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Shaun Kellogg

Senior Director, Friday Institute for Educational Innovation

Director, Learning Analytics & Data Science at the Friday Institute

Assistant Teaching Professor, Learning Analytics Certificate Program

Friday Institute 223

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Dr. Shaun Kellogg leverages methods drawn from learning analytics and data science to facilitate evidence-based decision making and drive effective and innovative educational change. His work aims to create a future where educators have the capacity to use data not only to inform their work, but to significantly improve teaching and learning outcomes and foster an environment of continuous improvement and equity in education. Dr. Kellogg currently leads the Learning Analytics in STEM Education Research (LASER) Institute, previous served as the Friday Institute Interim Executive Director and Director of Program Evaluation and Education Research, and led the development of the College of Education’s Online Graduate Certificate in Learning Analytics. Prior to his work at NC State University, he spent 10 years in K-12 education as both a volunteer in the Peace Corps and as an elementary teacher in the U.S., where he received a math teaching award from the North Carolina Council of Teacher of Mathematics.

Education Degrees

Dr. Kellogg holds a B.A. from the University of Michigan, teaching certification from Michigan State University, and a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology from Western Michigan University. He earned his PhD in Curriculum & Instruction at North Carolina State University and is a recipient of the first William C. Friday Graduate Student Fellowship for his research examining peer networks in online communities of practice and Massively Open Online Courses for Educators.


Courses Taught

  • ECI 586 Introduction to Learning Analytics
  • ECI 588 Text Mining in Education
  • ECI 589 Social Network Analytics in Education

Honors and Awards

  • William C. Friday Doctoral Fellow
  • NCCTM Outstanding Elementary Math Teacher of the Year Hoke County Teacher of the Month & Math Teacher of the Year Congressional Scholar 8th District, North Carolina
  • Peace Corps Certificate of Service


Date: 12/15/21 - 12/15/26
Amount: $539,022.00
Funding Agencies: US Dept. of Education (DED)

The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation (The FI) at NC State University??????????????????s College of Education proposes to partner with The ASSISTments Foundation (TAF) in the ????????????????Recovering from COVID-Learning-Loss with a Platform to Support Human Tutoring??????????????? proposal to the US Department of Education??????????????????s Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program - Mid-Phase Grant program. The proposal aims to scale a cost-effective way for schools to provide high dose human tutoring by matching volunteer tutors with students whose teachers are using ASSISTments mathematics instruction in the classroom - The TutorASSIST Program. In the first 2.5 years of the project, The Professional Leading and Learning Collaborative (PLLC) Team at The FI will develop, execute, and refine the TutorASSIST tutor training and credentialing and the scalable TutorASSIST program administration framework, materials, and administrator training for participating schools. Also, in the first 2.5 years of the project The Program Evaluation and Education Research (PEER) Team at The FI will conduct a formative evaluation of the TutorASSIST training and administration work, using a mixed methods approach based on the CIPP Evaluation Model and Chris Dede and Deborah Coburn's scaling educational innovations framework. In the final 2.5 years of the project The PLLC team will execute small revisions and refinements to the program design and will support hand-off of the program execution to TAF; and The PEER Team will hand-off relevant evaluation instruments and materials to the external evaluator for an impact evaluation study and will support publication and dissemination efforts.

Date: 10/01/23 - 9/30/26
Amount: $497,970.00
Funding Agencies: National Science Foundation (NSF)

The overarching goal of this project is to broaden the pool of researchers that leverage Learning Analytics (LA), a computational research methodology that transforms digital data into actionable insights for the purpose of understanding and optimizing learning, thus advancing our knowledge about STEM learning and learning environments. To achieve this goal, LASER BEAM will build upon the existing NSF-funded LASER Institute by refining, expanding, and repackaging current instructional resources ,and separately at the University of Pennsylvania (including the MOOC Big Data and Education, accessed by over 100,000 students), into ???turnkey??? curriculum materials that can be used and adapted by faculty in higher education to prepare the next generation of STEM scholars.

Date: 05/01/22 - 12/31/25
Amount: $399,503.00
Funding Agencies: NC Department of Public Instruction

The primary goal of this work is to develop a comprehensive and responsive evaluation plan that details programmatic strategies and intended outcomes, measures for assessing and improving program impact, a timeline of evaluation activities, and an estimated budget. Working collaboratively with TIP leadership, North Carolina Public School Units (PSU), and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI), the Friday Institute Program Evaluation and Education Research (PEER) Group will ensure evaluation efforts for the NC HTLA are: 1.Aligned to the program goals and priorities of the TIP leadership team; 2.Inclusive of legislative and funder-specified reporting requirements; and, 3.Responsive to the context and needs of North Carolina Public School Units. A secondary goal is to document design, development, and implementation efforts during the first year of the initiative using an ethnographic approach. Reporting of these efforts is intended to inform program stakeholders and external audiences of the progress made towards program objectives, design decisions and rationale, and successes and challenges experienced by program leadership and participants.

Date: 10/01/20 - 8/31/25
Amount: $749,441.00
Funding Agencies: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Minimizing crop loss and increasing output, across the food supply chain, will increase the economic viability of US growers and the global economic competitiveness of industry and stakeholder partners. We have assembled a diverse team across different National and International Universities with faculty that have track records of convergent research, education, and outreach. We will be well positioned to implement a Networks of Networks with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, experiences, and disciplines to drive research and innovation. Students and postdocs will be exposed to hands-on learning, on-farm technology training, cooperative extension, commercialization, industry engagement, and transdisciplinary education to create a highly trained workforce that is equipped to address food security and safety challenges.

Date: 05/01/19 - 4/30/25
Amount: $1,844,149.00
Funding Agencies: National Science Foundation (NSF)

The purpose of the Track 3 Noyce Master Teaching Fellows program at NC State is to support and retain master teachers in mathematics by partnering with four high-need LEAs (Cabarrus County Schools, Mount Airy City Schools, Rockingham County Schools, and Wayne County Schools), and the non-profit agency, The Innovation Project (TIP) and NC State. This project dovetails with our collaborations with TIP to place highly qualified beginning STEM teachers from NC State in high-needs districts in the state of North Carolina. The project also builds on our experiences from two prior Noyce scholarship programs, to prepare students to become mathematics teachers, and a state NC Quest grant to support practicing high school mathematics teachers to implement new state standards for mathematics. Teacher shortages have been growing in North Carolina and across the country, especially in STEM fields and in high-needs school districts (Cowan, Goldhaber, Hayes, & Theobald, 2016; Podolsky, Kini, Bishop, and Darling-Hammond, 2016; Sutcher, Darling-Hammond & Carver-Thomas, 2016) Podolsky, Kini, Bishop, and Darling-Hammond (2016) identify two factors contributing to these shortages: the number of students choosing to pursue a career in teaching and the number of teachers leaving the profession. Sutcher, Darling-Hammond and Carver-Thomas, make three recommendations to address the teacher shortage: offer competitive salary packages, enhance the supply of new teachers, and improve teacher retention, especially in high-needs schools, through induction programs, mentoring, improved working conditions and professional development. While some efforts are currently underway in the state of North Carolina to encourage more students to become STEM teachers, little has been done to address issues related to teacher attrition.

Date: 02/01/22 - 1/31/25
Amount: $389,901.00
Funding Agencies: North Carolina Education Corps

The evaluation questions developed for this proposal are explicitly aligned with the strategic objectives of the NCEC. Collectively, the evaluation questions are intended to help NCEC better understand: Q1.How, and to what extent, does NCEC foster effective partnerships with schools to implement research-based programs that support teachers and help students thrive? Q2.How, and to what extent, does NCEC activate untapped talent by connecting Corps members to partner schools?????????????????? needs? Q3.How effectively does NCEC train corps members for high-impact tutoring, and how can training better meet the needs of corps members and partner schools? Q4.How effective are ongoing supports provided to corps members, and how can NCEC better support members in-service and in pursuit of public service careers? Q5.To what extent does NCEC implement high-impact interventions that improve early literacy and social-emotional outcomes for students? Q6.How can NCEC improve and grow program services to better serve public schools and children in need?

Date: 11/01/20 - 9/30/24
Amount: $246,826.00
Funding Agencies: US Dept. of Education (DED)

In 2018, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) was awarded a Public Charter Schools Program (CSP) grant from the U.S. Department of Education of approximately $26.6 million. The Department was awarded an additional $10 million in 2019. The CSP grant will be used to implement the North Carolina Advancing Charter Collaboration and Excellence for Student Success (NC ACCESS) Program to: 1. Increase the number of educationally disadvantaged students attending high-quality charter schools and expand the number of high-quality charter schools available to educationally disadvantaged students; 2. Develop a cohort of charter school leaders who can develop and demonstrate best practices in serving educationally disadvantaged students; and 3. Broadly disseminate best practices in serving educationally disadvantaged students and foster collaboration in the charter school community and between charter schools and traditional public schools.

Date: 09/01/20 - 8/31/24
Amount: $993,150.00
Funding Agencies: National Science Foundation (NSF)

The goal of the Learning Analytics in STEM Education Research (LASER) Institute is to increase the capacity of researchers to understand and improve STEM learning and learning environments through the use of new sources of data and analytical approaches. Specifically, the LASER Institute will focus on preparing scholars from underrepresented groups in STEM to: 1) understand the methodologies, applications, and ethical issues of Learning Analytics as it relates to understanding and improving STEM education, and 2) gain proficiency in R, a popular free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, to apply computational analysis techniques (e.g. network analysis, text mining, machine learning, and data dashboards) using real-world data from STEM contexts. The LASER Institute will be anchored by a week-long intensive training program consisting of hands-on learning labs, presentations from experts in the field, support for research planning and analyzing their data, and opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Date: 09/01/20 - 8/31/24
Amount: $43,370.00
Funding Agencies: National Science Foundation (NSF)

The Friday Institute Research and Evaluation Team will provide evaluation services for a proposed project entitled, The Undergraduate Network for Increasing Diversity of Ecologists (UNIDE) project. This research coordination network project aims to build a sustainable and interdisciplinary network of ecologists, educators and social scientists to address the need to address how cultural and social barriers impact human diversity in ecology and environmental disciplines (EE). The research network coordination project seeks to build cultural competence into ecology and environmental biology education.

Date: 10/01/22 - 1/31/24
Amount: $249,909.00
Funding Agencies: NC Department of Public Instruction

The purpose of the teacher compensation models and advanced teaching roles program is to allow highly effective classroom teachers to teach an increased number of students by assuming accountability for additional students, either by becoming a lead classroom teacher accountable for the student performance of all of the students taught by teachers on that lead classroom teacher's team, or by leading a larger effort in the school to implement new instructional models to improve school-wide performance. In addition, the program enables local school administrative units to provide salary supplements to classroom teachers in advanced teaching roles to create innovative compensation models that focus on classroom teacher professional growth and student outcomes. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the impact of the teacher compensation models and advanced teaching roles program on teaching and learning as described in North Carolina General Assembly Session Law 2020-78, Section 2.6(b). In addition, this evaluation includes a comparative analysis of program implementation in order to help identify and scale the most effective components of these programs. To provide a more complete understanding of the implementation and impact of these programs, the evaluation will use a mixed methods convergent design, in which different but complementary data are collected concurrently or sequentially. The evaluation will be conducted in several phases and will make use of secondary data collected by NCDPI to provide quantitative estimations of the program???s impact on select teaching and learning outcomes, as well as primary data collected directly from Public School Units in order to examine the similarities, differences, and patterns across program implementation.

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