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Embedded Counselor

Through a shared embedded counselor position, with support from the Provost’s Office, undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the College of Education and the College of Natural Resources are able to receive free counseling services on campus and virtually. 

William Hitt
William Hitt

Who is the embedded counselor?

The embedded counselor for the College of Education and College of Natural Resources is William Hitt. Before joining NC State in November 2023, William was a counselor at Pitt Community College, an academic counselor at East Carolina University and an embedded counselor at North Carolina Central University. He received a Master of Science in Counselor Education from East Carolina.

When is William available to meet with College of Education students? And how can I schedule a time to meet with him?

On Mondays and Tuesdays, the embedded counselor is located in Biltmore Hall 2022D. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, he is in Ricks Hall 9. The counselor is available virtually on Fridays. He can be reached by phone at 919-513-3261 or via email at

If you are interested in short-term individual counseling with the embedded counselor, e-mail him at or call 919-513-3261 to get started. If you are interested in groups, workshops, psychiatry, external referral, or meeting individually with a counselor that has a different identity or specialty, please follow the steps described on the Counseling Center’s “Get Started” page.

The embedded counselor also offers “check-in” appointments with students. These appointments are typically 20 minutes long, and can be used to:

  • Work on a smaller-scale issue, such as test anxiety, communicating with a professor, etc.
  • Create a plan to support your wellness.
  • Explore counseling center options or fill out the counseling paperwork together.
  • Meet with the embedded counselor and get a sense of who he is and how exactly he can help. With dozens of counselors across campus and an extensive referral network in the community, you will always be able to find a counselor with whom you feel comfortable.

To set up a “check-in” appointment, e-mail the embedded counselor at or call 919-513-3261.

What can William help students with? 

William can provide both individual and group counseling, as well as psychoeducational workshop recommendations, and is equipped to help with crisis response. William has experience working with anxiety, drepression and other common concerns faced by college students. Since William is not a psychiatrist, he cannot prescribe medication. However, William can refer you to a psychiatrist or any other services you might need. 

Who is eligible to meet with William?

All undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the College of Education and College of Natural Resources are eligible. William is also available to consult with staff and faculty in each college about a student.

What is the cost to meet with William? Will it be covered by student insurance? 

There is no cost for appointments with William. Insurance will not be billed. 

Where is William’s office?

William has two office locations. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, he will be in the College of Education, in Ricks 9.

On Mondays and Tuesdays, William will be in the College of Natural Resources, in Biltmore Hall 2022D, which is near the College of Natural Resources’ Academic Affairs Suite.

William is available virtually on Fridays.

What other wellness and mental health services are available? 

In addition to this embedded counselor position and services offered through each college and the university’s Counseling Center, all degree-seeking students at NC State can request up to 12 free telehealth counseling sessions with one of MantaHealth’s licensed counselors over the course of a year. NC State also provides mental health resources and services for faculty and staff. In addition to resources offered through the Faculty and Staff Assistance ProgramState Health Plan members have access to mental health coverage and additional resources via the Behavioral Health Resource Center.  All of the university’s Wolfpack Wellness resources can be found at If you are concerned about a student, you can complete an online referral.