Graduate Peer Mentoring Program
About the program
The College of Education is part of the NC State University Graduate Peer Mentoring Collaborative (GPMC). Two mentors from each department (ELPHD, TELS, STEM ED) provide support to the college community. Mentors gain specialized training, receive ongoing professional development, and work together to advance a culture of mentorship and inclusion in the College of Education. The program’s strategic priorities are (1) graduate student mental health, (2) inclusiveness and belonging, (3) and interdisciplinary relationship-building.
About the mentors
Graduate Peer Mentors learn the skills to be successful mentors during a cross-college retreat in September and through cross-college workshops during the academic year. Students also work with their peers to design a focused initiative for the academic year (e.g., host peer networking event(s); organize a speaker series on graduate student well-being; create a resource guide; and design and execute a survey). Students participate in an end-of-year event each April which serves as a reflective opportunity for student learning.