Ruby Ellis
Dr. Ruby Ellis is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in the STEM Education Department. She received her PhD in Mathematics Education from Auburn University. She has a variety of teaching experiences, ranging from middle and high school mathematics to an adjunct instructor in the Department of Science and Mathematics at Talladega College, Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching at Auburn University, and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Missouri. Her research examines professional development aimed at supporting mathematics teachers in schools with high African American, low-income student populations with integrating technology in alignment with inquiry-based instructional practices. In particular, she examines teacher attitudes, beliefs, and learning in relation to their participation in such professional learning experiences.
Ph.D. Mathematics Education Auburn University 2018
Ed.S. Mathematics Education The University of Alabama at Birmingham 2012
M.Ed. Mathematics Education Alabama State University 2009
B.S. Mathematics and High School Education The University of Alabama at Birmingham 2003
Area(s) of Expertise
Math Education
Mathematics & Statistics Education
Teacher Education & Professional Development
Teacher Knowledge, Beliefs & Identities
Technology Integration