Duane Akroyd
Dr. Duane Akroyd holds a M.S. in Health Sciences Education from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University in Occupational Education with a concentration in Higher Education. He started his academic career as a community college faculty member. Before coming to NC State, he has served in administrative and faculty positions at several other universities. He is currently a Professor in the Adult Workplace and Continuing Professional Education program area.
Selected Scholarly Publications
- Akroyd, D., Zheng, Barcinas, S. (2018, in progress). Community college student completion; A national study using the Educational Longitudinal Survey.
- Sitzes, J., Akroyd, D. (2018, in progress). The impact of institutional support program and polices on veteran students’ persistence at North Carolina Community Colleges.
- Ott, L., Morgan, J., Akroyd, D. (2017). Impact of military lifestyle on military spouses’ educational and career goals. Journal of Research in Education, 28, 1, 30-61.
- Singh, N., Knight, K., Wright, C., Baird, M., Akroyd, D., Adams, R. & Schneider, M. (2017). Occupational burnout among radiation therapists in Australia: Findings from a mixed methods study. Radiography, 23, 202-212.
- Singh, N., Knight, K., Wright, C., Baird, M., Akroyd, D., Adams, R. & Schneider, M. (2016). Occupational burnout among radiographers, sonographers and radiologists in Australia and New Zealand: Findings from a national survey. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 7, 1-7.
- Coniglio, D, & Akroyd, D. (2015). Factors predicting Physician Assistant faculty intent to leave. Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 26, 113-122.
- Akroyd, D. & Engle, D. (2014). An examination of the levels and differences in organizational commitment of full and part-time community college faculty. Journal of Modern Education Review, 4(8), 870-877.
- Lyons, F. & Akroyd, D. (2014). The impact of human capital and selected job rewards on community college faculty satisfaction. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 38, 1-14.
- Akroyd, D., Patton, B., & Bracken, S. (2013). Factors that predict full-time community college faculty engagement in online instruction. Journal of Community College Research and Practice, 37, 185-195.
- Akroyd, D., Bracken, S., & Chambers, C. (2011). A comparison of factors that predict the satisfaction of community college faculty by gender. Journal of the Professoriate, 4(1), 74-95. http://jotp.icbche.org/2011/4-1_Akroyd_p74.pdf.
- Legg, J., Akroyd, D., & Jackowski, M. (2010). Radiographer’s perceptions of managerial transformational leadership levels. Radiology Management, 32(5), 28-34.
- Jackowshi, M. & Akroyd, D. (2010). Technology use among community college faculty. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 34, 624-644.
- Akroyd, D., Jackowski, M., Legg, J., & Adams, R. (2009). The Impact of Selected Organizational Variables and Managerial Leadership on Radiation Therapists’ Organizational Commitment, Radiography, 15, 113-120.
- Akroyd, D., Bamberg, R., & Moore, T. (2008). Factors that Impact Clinical Laboratory Scientists’ Commitment to Their Work Organizations, Journal of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 21, 167-174.
- Akroyd, D., Jackowski, M., & Legg, J. (2007). Factors impacting organizational commitment of Radiographers. Radiologic Technology, 78, 467-475.
Courses Taught
- EAC 532 Health Care Delivery Systems and Environments
- EAC 536 Issues and Trends in Education for the Health Professions
- EAC 551 Research in Adult and Higher Education
- EAC 560 Assessment and Evaluation in Adult and Higher Education
- EAC 584 Evaluating Training Transfer and Effectiveness
- EAC 700 Community College and Two-Year Postsecondary Education
- EAC 716 The History of Higher Education
- EAC 720 Use of Secondary Data in Adult and Higher Education
- EAC 786 Teaching in College
- EAC 803 Research Seminar in Adult and Higher Education
Area(s) of Expertise
Dr. Akroyd's research has focused on a variety of workplace and behavioral variables and their ability to predict employee’s satisfaction, organizational commitment and burnout. He has concentrated his research on community college faculty (both full and part time) and health professionals (both practitioners and faculty). He has also examined supply, distribution and policy issues in health professions education, and the use of technology in educational settings. He currently serves as Contributing Editor of the Journal of Allied Health and is the Executive Editor for the Community College Review.
- Adult Workforce and Continuing Professional Education
- Assessment & Evaluation
- College Students
- Community College
- Faculty
- Health Professions
- Postsecondary Education
- Program Evaluation
- Workforce Development & Vocational Education
- Workforce Development and Career and Technical Education
- Workplace Issues