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Teacher Education & Professional Development

VIEW: Alphabetical By Group
Robin Anderson

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education

Margaret Blanchard

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor, Science Education, and University Faculty Scholar

Sunghwan Byun

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education

Aaron Clark

Co-Director, Engineering Education, and Professor

Jill Grifenhagen

Associate Professor, Literacy Education

Early Literacy & Elementary Education

Michael Jarry-Shore

Assistant Professor of Elementary Education (Mathematics Emphasis)

Mathematics Education

Jill Jones

Teaching Assistant Professor

Tamecia Jones

Asst Professor

Engineering Education

Soonhye Park

Professor of Science Education

Jackie Eunjung Relyea

Assistant Professor, Literacy Education

Matt Reynolds

Assistant Teaching Professor of Science Education

Hiller Spires

Executive Director and Professor Emerita

Temple Walkowiak

Associate Professor, Mathematics Education

Carl Young

Associate Professor, English Language Arts Education