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Doctoral Dissertation: Melissa Scales

Melissa Scales. Title: Physical Therapy Faculty & Educational Technology Status Post COVID-19 Emergency Remote Teaching: A Mixed Methods Study. Under the direction of Dr. Julia McKeown. Date: Wednesday, March 13,…

Doctoral Dissertation: Eboni Malloy

Eboni Malloy. Title: Engage, Empower, Educate: A Case Study of Black Female Adult Learners and Their Perspective on Meaningful Faculty Interactions. Under the direction of Dr. Susan Barcinas. Date: May…

Doctoral Dissertation: Jennifer Lecorchick

Jennifer Lecorchick. Title: The Whole Principal: Self-Care Practices of Principals Leading in Title 1 Schools. Under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Ayscue. Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Time: 10:30 am…