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PD 742 – Study Abroad Speed Networking

Are you going abroad in the summer or fall of 2023? Are you considering going abroad sometime in the future? Join the College of Education Global Programs Office for a networking event and mingling with Study Abroad Alumni from this past summer and fall terms. We will have panelists open and excited about talking about…


PD 724 – Developing Cultural Competence Co-curricular Student Certificate offered by NC State Global Training Initiative

This co-curricular student certificate program aims to help participants identify their own cultural preferences and equip them with the tools to understand the preferences of others. Participating in this program will help participants increase their cultural awareness, and develop skills and strategies for working effectively across cultural differences. This program is also an opportunity to…

Doctoral Dissertation Justin Egresitz

Doctoral Dissertation Justin Egresitz Think and Do: A Phenomenological Investigation into Student Motivation Toward Making and Doing Chaired by Dr. Aaron Clark February 24, 2023 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Poe 742 Zoom Link:

Doctoral Dissertation: RUSSELL PARKER

Russell Parker Title: Key Partnership Roles in High-Quality Youth Pre-Apprenticeship Programs. Under the direction of Drs. James Bartlett and Michelle Bartlett. February 24, 2023 at 1 p.m. Zoom link:

PD 6728 – Mastery of Measurement: Where it Begins! (K-2)

How do we set our young students up for success with regard to the critical mathematical ideas related to measuring and measurement? After this PGU, you will be able to assess the value of a task, specifically relating to measurement in the lower elementary grades. Beginning teachers will be given the tools to successfully teach…

Doctoral Dissertation: Emma Refvem

Doctoral Dissertation Emma Refvem Title: Science Instructional Coaches: Content Expertise, Beliefs, Motivation, and Contexts Under the direction of Dr. Gail Jones February 28, 2023, at 11:00 am Friday Institute – Nortel A Zoom Link:

Doctoral Dissertation: GABBY MCCUTCHEN

Gabby McCutchen Title: Faculty Perceptions of their Role and their Institution's Role in Closing Equity Gaps. Under the direction of Dr. Chad Hoggan February 28, 2023 at 1 p.m. Zoom link:

PD 6734 – The Virtual IEP Experience

Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are written, legally binding documents that outline the special education services provided to students with disabilities in U.S. public schools. IEP meetings occur annually, and at any other point in the year as requested by parents. During these meetings, the team reviews progress and develops new goals. The virtual IEP experience…

PD 6729 – A Conceptual Approach to Building Math Fact Fluency (3-5)

In this session, we will explore how to teach multiplication fact fluency with a focus on conceptual understanding. Participants will engage in hands-on activities and reflect on productive teacher talk moves for fostering the use of different multiplication strategies to build efficiency and accuracy. Date: Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 Time: 4:00 - 6:00 PM Location:…