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Doctoral Dissertation: MYRA BECKERS

Myra Beckers Dissertation Title: Apprentice Engagement Through a Sociocultural Perspective: A Case Study Approach to Understanding Engagement Among Apprentices in a Community College Classroom Context, under the direction of Dr.…

Doctoral Dissertation: Ashley Nash

Ashley Nash. Title: Removing the Armor: A Phenomenological Study Examining How Transgenerational Trauma Impacts the Way that Millennial-aged Black Women Raise Their Daughters. Under the direction of Drs. Raymond Ting…

Doctoral Dissertation: Traci Collins

Traci Collins. Title: Medical Trauma: An exploratory study of life-threatening illness, abuse, and adverse experiences within the United States. Under the direction of Dr. Stanley Baker. Date: Tuesday, May 2,…

Doctoral Dissertation: Zachary Vaskalis

Zachary Vaskalis Dissertation Defense Title: The Past, Present, and Future of Statistics in Medical Education: A Mixed-Methods Study of Biostatistics Curriculum and Faculty Instructional Practices, Perspectives and Beliefs in U.S.…

Doctoral Dissertation: Briana Barrett

Briana Barrett. Title: An In Depth Look at Technology Use in Counselor Education Since the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Consensual Qualitative Research Study. Under the direction of Dr.…

Doctoral Dissertation: KENNETH INGLE

Kenneth Ingle Title: Exploring the Impacts on Student Success of Providing Community College Students Laptop Computers: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. Under the direction of Dr. James Bartlett. 11 May…

Doctoral Dissertation: Felix Morton

Felix Morton. Title: More Than Meets the Eye: Examining Wellness in Black College Men. Under the direction of Dr. Marc Grimmett and Dr. Adria Dunbar Date: Monday, May 15, 2023…

Doctoral Dissertation: Jennifer Houchins

Jennifer Houchins Title: Eliciting Middle School Students' Computational Thinking Through Virtual Educational Robotics: A Qualitative Case Study on the Role of Reflection. Under the direction of Dr. Kevin Oliver. Date:…

Doctoral Dissertation: Cansu Tatar

Cansu Tatar Title: Rethinking English Language Arts Classrooms with Artificial Intelligence Education: Teachers’ Confidence and Views. Under the direction of Dr. Kevin Oliver and Dr. Shiyan Jiang Date: May 25,…

Doctoral Dissertation: Grace Carroll

Grace Carroll Title: Toward Reformation in Science Teaching Through Scientific Modeling: Investigating How Science Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Epistemic Beliefs Impact Adoption and Implementation of Multidimensional, Meaningful, and Equitable…