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Doctoral Dissertation: Brittani N. Clark

Brittani N. Clark. Dissertation Title: An Intrinsic Case Study of a Dedicated Third Space for Cultural Identity Development in the Lives of Adolescent Black Girls. Under the direction of Dr. Christy Byrd. Date: October 22, 2024. Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Location: Cyma Rubin Visualization Gallery, D.H. Hill Jr. Library, Room 3208A. Contact chair…

Doctoral Dissertation: Amy Jones

Amy Jones. Title: A Case Study of the Curriculum Implementation Process in a Low-Wealth School District: An Examination of the Perspectives of High School English Teachers, High School Principals, and District Leaders. Under the direction Dr. Lisa Bass. Day: Thursday, October 24, 2024. Time: 10am-12pm. Zoom Link: Contact advisor for zoom link

Doctoral Dissertation: Kendall Hageman-Mays

Kendall Hageman-Mays. Title: Examining the excellence gap: North Carolina’s gifted identification process and its role in equity, access, and opportunity. Under the direction of Dr. Anna Egalite and Dr. Lance Fusarelli. Date: Friday October 25, 2024 Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm. In-Person CTI Room 333. Zoom Link:  Contact advisor for zoom link

Doctoral Dissertation: Kia Allah

Kia Allah Dissertation Tile:  Examining the Alignment or Misalignment Between the Cultural Identities of Black & Latin@/x AIG Students at Home and School and Its Impact on their Sense of Belonging: An Exploration Through Phenomenological Inquiry.  Under the direction of Dr. DeLeon Gray.   Date: October 30, 2024.  Time:  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm  Location:  CTI Building,…

Doctoral Dissertation: Catherine Entrocaso

Catherine Entrocaso, Adult & Community College Education, “White Preference, Trauma, and Culturally Responsive Teaching: A North Carolina Community College Faculty Member’s Autoethnographyon Culturally Responsive Teaching Implementation”, October 31, 2024, 12:00 p.m., Remote, Major Professor: Dr. Jose’ Picart. Contact chair for link.

Doctoral Dissertation: Ayanna Richard

Ayanna Richard. Title: A Qualitative Study on the Perspectives of Secondary Special Education Teachers in a North Carolina School System on Creating, Implementing, and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Transition Plans for Students with Disabilities. Under the Direction of Dr. Jennifer Ayscue. Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Zoom Link: Please…

Doctoral Dissertation: Olivia Draeger

Olivia Draeger. Title: Navigating the Dual Professional Roles of an Army National Guard Leader as a Citizen-Soldier. Under the direction of Dr. Susan Barcinas. Date: December 4, 2024. Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am. Zoom Link: Please contact advisor for link.

Doctoral Dissertation: Cindy Webb

Cindy Webb. Title: Utilization-focused Evaluation of an Electric Utility Lineworker Apprenticeship Program. Under the direction of Dr. Diane Chapman. Date: December 9, 2024. Time: 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Zoom Link: Please see advisor for Zoom link.

Doctoral Dissertation: Dalanda Bond

Dalanda Bond. Title: Unmasking the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: A Case Study of the Perceptions of Adult Basic Education Instructors at Three Rural Community Colleges. Under the Direction of Dr. Susan Barcinas. Date: December 16, 2024. Time: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Zoom Link: Please contact advisor for link.

Doctoral Dissertation: Gage Matthews

Gage Matthews. Title:  A Jumpstart for Restart: Three Studies on the Planning and Implementation of a Flexible School Reform Model in North Carolina. Under the Direction of Dr. Lam Pham. Date: Thursday, December 19, 2024. Time: 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Zoom Link: Please see advisor.