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Doctoral Dissertation: DONNELL CANNON

Donnell Cannon Dissertation Title: Factors and Conditions that are Necessary to Support the Successful Implementation of Redesigned Learning Environments in Traditional Rural Public Schools in Northeastern North Carolina. Under the direction of Dr. Michael Ward. August 23, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. Zoom link:


NC State’s Packapalooza™ is a vibrant all-day block party and street festival that caps off Wolfpack Welcome Week, commencing the academic year with a bang. NC State students, faculty, staff, alums, families and members of the local community pack Hillsborough Street for a day filled with music, entertainment, family-friendly activities, food and everything that embodies…

PD 746 – South Africa: Study abroad for student teachers

Are you interested in studying abroad as a student teacher? Join us for this session about the study abroad program ( for student teachers that takes place in Stellenbosch, South Africa for 3 weeks in April 2024. You complete your North Carolina student teaching a little early and travel to South Africa as a group…

PD 109 – edTPA: Overview & Lesson Planning

During this session, students can find out more information about the edTPA performance assessment, and what is expected of them, and receive answers to their questions about the ed TPA. Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM Location: Online Audience: Student Teachers Contact: Kimberly Ideus Credit: 0.5

Doctoral Dissertation: LERESSA SUBER

Leressa Suber Title: Manufacturing Small Business Case Study: Successful HR Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Racially and Culturally Diverse Talent. Under the direction of Dr. Michelle Bartlett.

PD 114 – edTPA Task 1

In this session, we will discuss the requirements of the edTPA learning segment including, but not limited to central focus, academic language, the format of lesson plans, consideration of Tasks 2 and 3 in design, and the inclusion of knowledge of students. Date: Thursday, September 7th, 2023 Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM Location: Online Audience:…

PD 6752 – Agriscience Fair

Attendees will learn about the National FFA Agriscience Fair CDE through training and application as a room host. Room hosts can sign up at Additional information is provided in the form. No knowledge of the Agriscience fair is needed. We will have an orientation that will allow each of the room hosts an opportunity…

Doctoral Dissertation: DAVID LOTT

David Lott Title: Plant-based Nutrition and Educational Outcomes: A Qualitative, Comparative Case Study. Under the direction of Drs. Lance Fusarelli and Michael Ward. September 12, 2023 at 10 a.m. Zoom link: