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Dining with Democracy

Dining with Democracy invites people from different backgrounds and perspectives to come together and engage in rich discussions over a meal. Participants will partake in facilitated activities that allow them to join in open conversation and learn from one another about contemporary issues facing the American public. The Fall 2024 Dining with Democracy event coincides with the lead-up to early voting in North Carolina for the November election.

Fall 2024 Event Details

  • Date: Saturday September 14, 2024
  • Time: 12:30-2:30 p.m.
  • Where: Coastal Ballroom of Talley Student Union
  • Who: Event open to the entire NC State University community, middle and high school students, teachers, parents, and community members. All are welcome!
  • Credits: PGU and CEU credits are available for NC State students and North Carolina teachers.
  • Etc: Lunch will be provided!
  • Registration: Register here!
Dining with Democcracy

Meet the Hosts

Paula McAvoy, Ph.D., and Dr. Christy Byrd, Ph.D., associate professors in the NC State College of Education, will host the evening, and NC State College of Education students will guide participants through the discussion activities.