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SCS-North Carolina Learning Technology Initiative (NCLTI)

Project Team:

Sponsor: ​Stokes County Schools/Golden Leaf Foundation​

Project Total: ​$29,961


The project team is designing and delivering professional learning to the staffs at both South Stokes High School and West Stokes High School.  The team is tailoring the technology-rich, customized, face-to-face onsite sessions based on school needs. These sessions will be interactive and build on participants’ prior knowledge.  Project goals include:

  • Providing participants with opportunities to move from simple knowledge accumulation to the transfer of knowledge into practice in their schools and across the district.
  • Developing an understanding of how digital learning is integral to K-12 teaching and learning and continue to develop a growth mindset.
  • Interacting and collaborating with peers who are implementing student-centered digital learning.
  • Engaging educators in professional learning communities by establishing and growing their professional learning network.