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Priorities & Impact

Strategic investments in education have an immediate and lasting impact on programs, educators and students at NC State. By extension, the work being done at the College of Education translates to real and lasting impacts in communities throughout North Carolina where our graduates work and live.

While the College of Education has benefited from private financial support over the years, the funds available for hiring and retaining the best faculty, for scholarships to recruit outstanding students, and for innovative professional development programs have not kept pace with growth and demand. Our goal is to engage individuals and entities whose passion and vision align with the mission of the college, and who are interested in making gifts to secure continued relevance and success.

Whether you’re interested in supporting students through scholarships, providing our faculty with the resources they need to lead the field, or making unrestricted gifts to benefit college priorities, your financial support can make a significant difference in the college, no matter the amount.

For more information, please browse this website to learn about ways of giving and the impact you can have on the people and programs at the NC State College of Education.

Unrestricted Support

Unrestricted gifts directed to the College of Education Excellence Fund allow administrators and faculty the flexibility to respond to the most pressing needs of the College. Unrestricted funds are used in a variety of ways throughout the year. They provide timely financial support for students, pay for community outreach, and they supplement costs for classroom technology upgrades. The Excellence Fund also supports the important work of our faculty through research and professional development, and provides innovation funds for new programs. It’s an all-purpose fund applied to priority projects and needs that complement our vision and priorities.

Scholarships and Fellowships

The College of Education works hard to recruit highly qualified students seeking a career in education who will have an impact on the trajectory of North Carolina e as a dynamic, well-educated, forward thinking place to work and live.

The NC State College of Education offers many opportunities for donors to create need- or merit-based scholarships. Flexibility is paramount. Donors can entrust the college to award scholarships to the most deserving students from any discipline, or the scholarship can give preference to students studying in a certain field or from a particular geographic location. By investing in a scholarship, you can help the College of Education continue to lead the way in improving educational outcomes across North Carolina and beyond. Students who graduate with limited or no debt can afford to dream big and follow their passions — and to extend those same opportunities to the students whose lives they will impact through a career in education.

Faculty Recruitment and Retention

Simply put, the quality of our teaching and research at the College of Education depend on the quality of our faculty. Finding, hiring and retaining the best faculty is a competitive endeavor. Each year the Dean is faced with many difficult decisions in this arena. Having flexible and readily available resources to help hire and retain our valuable faculty members is absolutely critical.

Such funds can provide doctoral students or postdoctoral fellows to assist with research needs; travel for conferences, training, or data collection; equipment and software purchases; seed grants, as well as other professional expenses connected with research and field activity.

Endowed and outright gifts to support faculty research, professional development, and start-up and retention packages are vital to furthering the mission of the College.

Endowed Chairs

In the coming years, faculty chairs and distinguished professorships will become a necessity in our ability to attract and keep our top faculty.  Endowed chairs will allow us to recruit distinguished faculty to our ranks from the best institutions across the country.

What is an endowment and how does it work?

An endowment creates financial stability, allowing NC State to be less dependent on unpredictable sources of revenue, such as research sponsorship, state and national government aid. It is created through the establishment of a permanent fund that is invested and managed. A portion of the annual income generated is used to carry out the donor’s designated purpose. Income earned in excess of the annual amount spent is added back into the endowment so that it continues to grow and maintain its purchasing power for future generations.

Establishing an endowment for the College of Education can be accomplished in a variety of ways including outright gifts and planned gifts such as charitable trusts and will bequests. Donors often fund endowments as a single gift, they spread the payments over several years in the form of a pledge. Endowed funds can become family traditions, with succeeding generations adding gifts to the principal established by a founding donor.

Gifts for scholarship and fellowship endowments provide many opportunities to connect our donors’ passions with the needs and objectives of NC State. In order to guarantee that the income from an endowment will be sufficient to achieve the donor’s goals, minimum support levels have been established.

To learn more about endowment options and how you can make an impact through long-range gift planning, please contact Matt Friedrick at 919-515-1736 or