4 Receive Faculty Research and Professional Development (FRPD) Grants
Four NC State College of Education faculty have received Faculty Research and Professional Development grants worth $7,500 to support their research:
- KC Busch, assistant professor of STEM education and member of the Leadership in Public Science Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program’s Leadership in Public Science who specializes in informal science learning.
- Crystal Chen Lee, assistant professor of English Language Arts education whose research focuses on nexus of literacy, immigrant youth and community organizations.
- Jessica Hunt, associate professor of mathematics education and special education who researches learner complexity in inclusive small group and one-on-one settings both inside and outside the contexts of schools.
- Jamie Pearson, assistant professor of special education whose broad research interests are around supporting families of children with autism spectrum disorder.
The Faculty Research and Professional Development (FRPD) program is a funding partnership between NC State’s Office of Research, Innovation and Economic Development (ORIED) and College of Education. Funding is available on a competitive basis.
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