NC Teach FAQs
What areas of licensure are available through NC State’s NC TEACH program?
Middle Grades (6-9): Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Math
High School (9-12): Science, English, Social Studies, Math
K-12: French, Spanish, Chinese
Secondary Grades (7-12): Technology Education
Do NC TEACHers qualify for Financial Aid since they will have Non-degree Studies status (and NDS students do not qualify)?
Yes, NC TEACHers accepted in the program qualify: NC TEACHers will be enrolled as Non-degree Studies students. However, NC TEACHers are eligible for Direct Loan assistance and Distance Education need-based scholarships because they are pursuing Teacher Licensure which is an exception. Upon acceptance into the program, NC TEACHers receive a Plan of Study (a Plan of Work) that can be shared with the Financial Aid office. It includes your required coursework necessary for Teacher Licensure. Please contact the Financial Aid office and visit their website for more information. The NC TEACH staff is not equipped to answer questions about financial aid and will recommend that you consult with an FA advisor.
If you are considering applying for NC TEACH, do not wait to fill out the FAFSA.
What is a Plan of Study and when do I receive it?
An NC TEACH Plan of Study is a list of courses that need to be completed in order to be recommended for licensure. It lists the required content courses, the required NC TEACH courses, the Praxis II exam, and the edTPA. We use your undergraduate transcripts to fill in the content courses when you apply to the program. We check off other needed courses as you take them. It also has a section with your required Praxis II exam listed.
Which Praxis II test should I take?
For information on which Praxis test to take, please review the NC State Praxis II North Carolina Licensure Exam Requirements (Download PDF).
In addition to the NC State Praxis II PDF, students should also refer to the Praxis website to double check and/or see if there is an exam they wish to register for that is not listed on the document.
Do I have to take the Praxis II before I apply?
It is recommended that Spanish and French applicants pass the Praxis II before applying to NC TEACH and submit scores with the application. Applicants for other subject areas do not need to take the Praxis II before applying to NC TEACH unless they do not meet the 24-hours content requirement. All NC TEACHers must pass the Praxis II upon completion of the program before they can apply for full licensure.
How much does the program cost?
Since NC TEACH is part of Distance Education at NC State, courses are approximately half the cost of traditional courses.
Will I have my license when I finish this program?
Completing the NC TEACH program does not automatically lead to a North Carolina teaching license. NC TEACHers will need to complete the following licensing requirements before NCSU clears their Residency license and recommends them for an Initial License through DPI:
- Successful completion of the 6 NC TEACH education classes (18 hours total)
- Passing scores on the Praxis II
- Completion of all required content courses with a grade of “C” or better (a C- will not be accepted), as listed on the candidate’s Plan of Study.
- One year of successful full time teaching (not substitute teaching) in a public or charter NC school.
- edTPA score of 38 or higher (32 for World Languages)
What if I do not have a teaching position?
Due to the new Residency licensure policies, this program is only equipped to accept those who have a current teaching position (full time, classroom teacher; not Teaching Assistant).
Do these classes provide credits toward a degree?
While these classes are taken for 3 credit hours each, they do not lead to a degree. This is not a degree program.
Are these classes graduate or undergraduate level?
The classes are undergraduate level courses. They are listed as undergraduate distance education classes, which makes them less expensive than traditional undergraduate or graduate courses.
Am I considered an NC State student?
You are considered a Non-Degree Studies student and have limited access to NCSU resources. For details on the resources available to you, please visit the Distance Education web site.
Can I defer my enrollment if I need to withdraw from the program for a period of time?
Yes, students can defer enrollment in NC TEACH. However classes must be taken in sequence. So the date in which a student can re-enroll depends on when the next course in the sequence is offered.
Do I have to take the Praxis II before I start teaching?
Not usually. If you do not have 24 semester hours of coursework in your content area, you will need to pass the PRAXIS II in advance in order to be eligible.
Can I pay the tuition in installments?
You pay for the two courses you enroll in at the beginning of each semester. All tuition due dates are arranged by the Cashier’s Office.
When am I eligible for in-state tuition?
Students must reside in North Carolina for a full year before you will be considered a resident. Please reach out to Registration and Records for more information about in-state tuition.