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Faculty Publications

Our award-winning faculty members publish in journals and books on a wide variety of topics and interests. A sampling of TELS publications from 2022 may be found below. Authors are listed alphabetically by last name.

2022 Journal Articles

Alston, C., Bausell, S. B. (2022). Why is it so hard to reconcile disciplinary literacy and antiracism? Informational texts and middle grades English Language Arts. English Teaching: Practice and Critique.

Byrd, C. M., Leggett, K. (2022). School Ethnic-Racial Socialization and Adolescent Ethnic-Racial Identity. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(2), 205-216.

Coven, R., Manfra, M. M. (2022). Making meaning through digital maps. Social Education.

Davis, D. S., Tenore, F. Blake, McElhone, D., DeIaco, R. (2022). What do upper elementary and middle school teachers know about reading comprehension processes? Reading & Writing.

Falter, M. M. (in press). When the shoes don’t fit: A critical approach to empathy work in ELA classrooms. ALAN Review.

Falter, M. M., Arenas, A., Maples, G., Smith, C., Lamb, L., Anderson, M., Uzzell, E., Jacobs, L., Cason, X., Griffis, T., Polzin, M., Wafa, N. (2022). Making Room for Zoom in Focus Group Methods: Opportunities and Challenges for Novice Researchers (During and Beyond COVID-19). Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 23(1), Art 23.

Gibson, L., Busch, K. C. R., Stevenson, K. T., B., DeAmattia, E., Aguilar, A., Ardoin, N., Carrier, S. J., Clark, C., Cooper, C. B., Feinstein, N. W., Goodwin, J., Peterson, M. N., Wheaton, N. (in press). What is community-level environmental literacy, and how can we measure it? A report of a convening to conceptualize and operationalize CLEL. Environmental Education Research. Environmental Education Research.

Gray, D. L., Harris-Thomas, B., Cummings, T., McElveen, T., Jones, T. R. Urban Middle Schoolers’ Opportunities to Belong Predict Their Patterns of Engagement Across Core Academic Subject Areas. Urban Education.

Grifenhagen, J. F. (2022). Reimagining Discourse in the Classroom. The Reading Teacher.

Grifenhagen, J. F., Jones, J. (2022). University-Based Literacy Induction Coaches as Outsiders to the School Context. Teaching and Teacher Education.

Hunt, J. H., Davis, R., & Duarte, A. (in press).  Transitioning mathematics teacher practices to broadcast pedagogy.  International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.

Hunt, J. H., Taub, M., Marino, M., Duarte, A., Bentley, B., Holman, K., & Banzon, A. (in press).  Enhancing engagement and fraction concept knowledge with a universally designed game-based curriculum. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal.

Hunt, J. H., Silva, J., Welch-Ptak, J. Silva, J. (in press). For (and From) the Invisible 10 Percent: Including Students with Learning Disabilities in Problem Solving Instruction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education.

Kendall, C., Carrier, S. J., Folta, E., Tinka, J., Fraulo, A., Leeds, A., Lukas, K. E. (2022). Can teacher-centered community-based conservation programs influence student household sustainable behaviors near a biodiversity hotspot. Conservation Science and Practice.

Fitzgerald, J., Relyea, J. E., Elmore, J. (2022). Academic vocabulary volume in elementary grades disciplinary textbooks. Journal of Educational Psychology.

Lee, C. C., Mann, J., Jacobs, L. (2022). Writing with dignity among youth in urban communities: Using mentor texts as a reflective tool for transformation. Urban Education

Mann, J., Lee, C. C. (in press). “They just go by making their own hate story”: Interrogating stereotypes with refugee students in community-based spaces. Language Arts.

Marshall, S. A., McClain, J. B., McBride, A. (in press). Reframing Translanguaging Practices to Shift Mathematics Teachers’ Language Ideologies. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

Marshall, S. A., Rivera, A. (in press). More than multilingual: Investigating teachers’ learning to support multilingual students through an intersectional lens. The Educational Forum.

McIntyre, J. (in press). A longitudinal randomized trial of a sustained content literacy intervention from first to second grade: transfer effects on students’ reading comprehension outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology.

Nelson, G., Crawford, A., Hunt, J. H., Park, S., Leckie, J., *Duarte, A., Brafford, T., Ramos-Duke, M., & Zarate, K. (2022).  A systematic review of research syntheses for students with mathematics learning disabilities and difficulties.  Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 37(1), 18-36. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice.

Peng, Y., Li, Y., Su, Y., Chen, K., Jiang, S. (2022). Effects of group awareness tools on students’ engagement, performance, and perceptions in online collaborative writing: Intergroup information matters. The Internet and Higher Education.

Relyea, J. E., Zhang, J., Wong, S. S., Samuelson, C., Wui, M. G. (2022). Academic vocabulary instruction and socio-scientific issue discussion in urban sixth-grade science classrooms. The Journal of Educational Research, 115(1), 37-50.

Skrlac Lo, R., Wiseman, A. M. (in press). ‘That’s my dumb husband’: Wild things, battle bears, and heteronormative responses in an afterschool reading club. Journal of Early Childhood Research.

Wang, Q., Rose, C., Ma, N., Jiang, S., Bao, H., Li, Y. (2022). Design and application of automatic feedback scaffolding in forums to promote learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.

Wilson, J. & Hunt, J. H. (in press). Marginalized within the Margins: Supporting mathematics meaning making among students with disabilities. Journal of Mathematical Behavior.

2022 Book Chapters

Byrd, C. M. (2022). Creating a Climate for Critical Consciousness Sounding Out: Contextual Analysis (pp. 77–84). Routledge.

Gray, D. L., Green, B., Hope, E., Matthews, J. Can we really say that motivational processes are universal across cultures and contexts? Belonging as a case in point. Oxford University Press.

Horn, I., Garner, B., Buenrostro, P., Marshall, S. A. (2022). Learning about teaching through moments of insight (pp. 153-182). Routledge.

Hunt, J. H., Tzur, R. (2022). Connecting theory to concept building. In Y. Xin, H. Thouless, & R. Tzur (Eds). Mathematics education and special education: Teaching at the crossroads. New York, NY: Springer.

McElveen, T. L., Green, B., Ali, J., Gray, D. L. (2022). The Impact of Communal Learning on Students’ Sense of Belonging in The. Routledge.

Gray, D. L., Harris-Thomas, B. The Next Frontier in Educational Psychology is in Your Community.

Gray, D. L. Standing Out While Fitting In (SOFI): A Counternarrative on Black Males’ Strivings for Inclusiveness at a Predominantly Black High School. Springer Nature.

Lo, J., McAvoy, P. (in press). Debate and deliberation in democratic education.

Marshall, S., Horn, I., Garner, B., Buenrostro, P. (2022). Putting formative feedback into practice. (pp. 98-122). Routledge.

McAvoy, P., Lowery, A. N. (2022). Structure Matters: Comparing Deliberation and Debate. Teachers College Press.

Meadan, H., Pearson, J. N. (in press). Collaborative Partnerships: Parents and Families.

Pearson, J. N., Stewart-Ginsburg, J., Hopkins, S. L. (in press). Dancing Partners: Collaborating with Families to Support Student Learning and Secure Needed Services.

Sabornie, E. J., Mckeithan, G. K., Pearson, J. N. (in press). Classroom Management of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Tzur, R. & Hunt. J. H. (in press). A theory-backed framework for knowing and learning. In Y. Xin, H. Thouless, & R. Tzur (Eds). Mathematics education and special education: Teaching at the crossroads. New York, NY: Springer.