2020 Publications
Our award-winning faculty members publish in journals and books on a wide variety of topics and interests. A sampling of TELS publications from 2020 may be found below. Authors are listed alphabetically by last name.
2020 Journal Articles
Alston, C., Danielson, K. A. (2020). Enacting Thinking: Supporting Teacher Candidates in Modeling Writing Strategies. Literacy Research and Instruction, 1-21.
Anderson, M., Schoonover, N. R., Falter, M. M. (2020). Graphic novels as weapons of empathy: Inquiring into immigrant and refugee stories through images and words. Oregon English Journal, XLII(1), 21-27.
Bindra, V. G., DeCuir-Gunby, J. T. (2020). Race in Cyberspace: College Students’ Moral Identity and Engagement with Race-Related Issues on Social Media. The Urban Review, 52, 541-561. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11256-020-00560-4
Byrd, C. M., HaRim Ahn, L. (2020). Profiles of ethnic-racial socialization from family, school, neighborhood, and the Internet: Relations to adolescent outcomes. Journal of Community Psychology, 48(6), 1942-1963.
Byrd, C. M., Hope, E. (2020). Black Students’ Perceptions of School Ethnic-Racial Socialization Practices in a Predominantly Black School. Journal of Adolescent Research, 35(6), 728-753.
Carrier, S. J., Grifenhagen, J. F. (2020). Academic vocabulary support for elementary science pre-service teachers. Journal of Science Teacher Education.
Carrier, S. J., Grifenhagen, J. F., Scharen, D. R. The language of science: Touch, talk, text. Science and Children.
Carrier, S. J., Jones, M. G., Ennes, M., Madden, L., Lee, T., Cayton, E., Chesnutt, K., Huff, P., Phillips, L. (2020). Stereotypes of scientists: Seeds of progress and recommendations for elementary teachers. Science Reflector.
Cervantes, A., Cruz, B., Dufresne, K., Garcia-Galindo, K., Hernandez, A. G., Lee, C. C., Schoonover, N., Zavala, L. (2020). Justice poets and proponents: Creating safe spaces for minorities. Fringes.
Cryer-Coupet, Q., Wiseman, A. M., Atkinson, A. A., Gibson, S., Hoo, A. (2020). Teaching Note–Drawn Together: Collaboration Between Social Work and Education to Address Family Trauma. Journal of Social Work Education.
Cryer-Coupet, Q., Wiseman, A. M., Atkinson, A., Gibson, S. (in press). Trauma-informed practices with social work and education. Journal of Social Work Education.
Davis, D. S., Jones, J., Samuelson, C. (2020). Is it time for a hard conversation about cueing systems and word reading in teacher education? Reading & Writing Quarterly.
Davis, D. S., Jones, J., Vehabovic, N., Delaco, R. (2020). Reading and Inquiring in an Afterschool Tutoring Program: Working to Re-imagine the Reading Intervention Paradigm. Improving Schools.
DeCuir-Gunby, J. T. (2020). Using critical race mixed methodology to explore the experiences of African Americans.. Educational Psychologist, 55, 244-255.
DeCuir-Gunby, J. T., Allen, E. M., Boone, J. K. (2020). Examining pre-service teachers’ color- blind racial ideology, emotion regulation, and inflexibility with stigmatizing thoughts about race. Contemporary Educational Psychology.
DeCuir-Gunby, J. T., Johnson, O., Womble, C., White, A., McCoy, W. (2020). African Americans in the Higher Education Workplace Context: Experiencing and Coping with Racial Microaggressions. Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 23(4), 492-508. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13613324.2019.1579706
Elrod, E. C., West, H., Hollebrands, K. F., Faulkner, V. N. (2020). Interventions, Tools, and Equity-Oriented Resources in the MTE Journal. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 9(1), 3-6.
Eseryel, D. (in press). Solving complex problems: A grounded theory. Educational Technology Research & Development.
Eseryel, U. Yeliz, Eseryel, D., Wolters, J. Managing successful information systems implementations at small and medium enterprises: Managerial IS implementation effectiveness theory. Journal of Leadership and Management, 16, 1-17.
Eseryel, U. Yeliz, Eseryel, D., R. H., B. (2020). Social media use for online interaction: Lessons learned from fortune 100 companies on job applicant attraction. Journal of Leadership and Management, 17, 1-18.
Falter, M. M., Alston, C. L., Lee, C. C. (2020). Becoming anti-racist English teachers: Ways to actively move forward (White Paper). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University. https://www.go.ncsu.edu/antiracist-ela
Falter, M. M., Barnes, M. (2020). The importance of the “comfort zone” in preservice teachers’ evaluation of video-analysis sessions as a tool for enhanced reflection. Teacher Education Quarterly, 47(2), 64-85.
Fitzgerald, J., Relyea, J. E., Elmore, J., Hiebert, E. H. (2020). Has the presence of first-grade core reading program academic vocabulary changed across six decades? Reading Research Quarterly.
Fitzgerald, J., Elmore, J., Relyea, J. E., Stenner, A. J. (2020). Domain-specific academic vocabulary network development in elementary grades core disciplinary textbooks. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Faulkner, V. N. (2020). Building a Knowledge Base: A “Thinking Model” to Understand the Flow of an MTE Manuscript. Mathematics Teacher Educator.
Faulkner, V. N., Cain, C., Fanelli, K. (2020). Developing Number Sense through an exploration of subtraction. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom.
Gonzalez, M. E., Kokozos, M., Byrd, C. M., McKee, K. E. (2020). Critical Positive Youth Development: A Framework for Centering Critical Consciousness. Journal of Youth Development, 15(6), 24-43.
Gray, D. L., Hope, E., Byrd, C. M. (2020). Why Black Adolescents Are Vulnerable at School and How Schools Can Provide Opportunities to Belong to Fix It. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Gray, D. L., McElveen, T. L., Bryant, L., Green, B. (2020). Engaging Black and Latinx Students through Communal Learning Opportunities: A Relevance Intervention for Middle Schoolers in STEM Elective Classrooms. Contemporary Educational Psychology.
Grifenhagen, J. F., Barnes, E. M. (2020). Mealtimes in Head Start Pre-K Classrooms: Examining Language-Promoting Opportunities in a Hybrid Space. Journal of Child Language.
Griffin Brown, C., Gray, D. L., Hope, E., Metzger, I., Henderson, D. X. (in press). Do coping responses and racial identity promote school adjustment among Black youth? Applying an equity-elaborated social–emotional learning lens. Urban Education.
Hunt, J. H., Martin, K., Khounmeuang, A., Silva, J., Patterson, B., & Welch-Ptak, J. (2020). Design, development, and initial testing of asset-based intervention grounded in trajectories of student fraction learning. Learning Disabilities Quarterly.
Hunt, J. H., Silva, J. (2020). Emma’s Negotiation of Number: Implicit Intensive Intervention. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education.
Hunt, J. H., Stein, M. K. Constructing Goals for Student Learning through Conversation. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School.
Jiang, S., Shen, J., Smith, B., Kibler, K. (2020). Science identity development: How multimodal composition mediates role-taking as scientist in a media-rich learning environment. Educational Technology Research and Development https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11423-020-09816-y
Jiang, S., Kahn, J. (2020). Data wrangling practices and collaborative interactions with aggregated data. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11412-020-09327-1
Jones, M. G., Lee, T., Carrier, S. J., Madden, L., Cayton, E., Chestnutt, K., Ennes, M., Huff, P., Phillips, L. (2020). White lab coats and elementary students’ science self-concept and science self-efficacy. International Journal of Science and Mathematics.
Kahn, J., Jiang, S. (2020). Learning with large, complex data and visualizations: youth data wrangling in modeling family migration. Learning media and Technology. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17439884.2020.1826962
Lambert, R., Sugita, T., Yeh, C., Hunt, J. H., Brophy, S. (2020). Documenting Increased Participation of a Student with Autism in the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Lee, C. C. (2020). “I Have a Voice”: Re-examining researcher positionality with African immigrant girls in New York City.. Multicultural Perspectives, 22(1), 46-54.
Lee, C. C., Falter, M. M., Radakovic, N. (2020). Encountering the Affective in Latino Immigrant Youth Narratives. Reading Research Quarterly.
MacDonald, B. L., Moss, D., Hunt, J. H. Dominoes: Promoting Units Construction and Coordination. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K–12.
Manfra, M. M. (2020). Digital history 2020. Social Education.
Manfra, M. M., Greiner, J. (2020). Integrating the C3 Framework in the social studies: An action research study. Social Studies Research and Practice.
Manfra, M. M., Holmes, C. (2020). Integrating media literacy in social studies teacher education.. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education.
Manfra, M. M., Lee, J. K., Grant, M. (2020). Designing Inquiry During a Pandemic: A Professional Learning Experience. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 273-283.
Marshall, P. L., Norris, K. E. L., Baker, A. (in press). Toward people-to-people understandings in short-term international travel: Critical race reflections on four encounters in Cuba. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
McAvoy, P. (2020). Can schools combat partisan belligerency? Dewey Studies.
McAvoy, P., Ho, L.-C. (2020). Professional judgment and deciding what to teach as controversial. The Annals of Social Studies Education Research for Teachers.
McAvoy, P., Lowery, A. N., Wafa, N., Byrd, C. M. (2020). Dining with Democracy: Discussion as Informed Action. Social Education, 84(5), 289-293.
Nelson, G., Hunt, J. H., Martin, K., Patterson, B., Khounmeuang, A. (2020). Current Knowledge and Future Directions: Proportional Reasoning Interventions for Students with Learning Disabilities and Mathematics Difficulties. Learning Disability Quarterly.
Nocera, A. S. (2020). “More than Equivalent to a Year of College”: Hubert Harrison and Informal Education in Harlem’s New Negro Movement. Teachers College Record, 122(3).
Oliver, K. M., Houchins, J., Moore, R., Wang, C. (2020). Informing makerspace outcomes through a linguistic analysis of written and video-recorded project assessments. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
Outlaw, J. K., Grifenhagen, J. F. (2020). Supporting novice k-2 teachers’ self-efficacy for literacy: Early literacy teacher induction for rural schools. Literacy Research and Instruction.
Pearson, J. N., Meadan, H., Malone, K., Martin, B. (2020). Parent and Professional Experiences Supporting African American Children with Autism. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 7(2), 305-315.
Pearson, J. N., Traficante, A. L., Denny, L. M., Malone, K., Codd, E. (2020). Meeting FACES: Preliminary Findings from a Community Workshop for Minority Parents of Children with Autism in Central North Carolina. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(1), 1-11.
Pesout, O., Nietfeld, J. L. (2020). The Impact of Cooperation and Competition on Metacognitive Monitoring and Performance in a Classroom Context. Journal of Experimental Education.
Roegman, R., Reagan, E. M., Goodwin, A. Lin, Lee, C. C., Vernikoff, L. (2020). Reimagining Social Justice-Oriented Teacher Preparation in Current Sociopolitical Contexts. International Journal of Qualitative Research.
Relyea, J. E., Amendum, S. J. (2020). English Reading Growth in Spanish‐Speaking Bilingual Students: Moderating Effect of English Proficiency on Cross‐Linguistic Influence. Child Development, 91(4), 1150-1165. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13288
Rogers, L. O., Kiang, L., White, L., Calzada, E. J., Umana-Taylor, A. J., Byrd, C. M., Williams, C. D., Marks, A., Whitesell, N. (2020). Persistent concerns: Questions for research on ethnic-racial identity development. Research in Human Development, 17(2-3), 130-153.
Sabornie, E. J. (2020). Violence, crime, and suspensions in traditional versus public charter schools: Large scale evidence from one U.S. state. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics.
Sabornie, E. J. (2020). Social-behavioral interventions for secondary level students with high-functioning Autism in public school settings: A meta-analysis. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities.
Spires, H. A., Himes, M., Lee, C. C., Gambino, A. “We are the future”: Critical inquiry and social action in the classroom. Journal of Literacy Research.
Syal, S., Nietfeld, J. L. (2020). The impact of trace data and self-reports in a game-based learning environment. Computers & Education.
Thomson, M. M., Walkowiak, T. A., Whitehead, A., Erin, H. (2020). Mathematics Teaching Efficacy and Developmental Trajectories: A Mixed-Methods Investigation of Novice K-5 Teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 87, 1-14.
Williams, C. D., Byrd, C. M., Quintana, S. M., Anicama, C., Kiang, L., Umana-Taylor, A. J., Calzada, E. J., Gautier, M. P., Ejesi, K., Tuitt, N. R., Martinez-Fuentes, S., White, L., Marks, A., Rogers, L. O., Whitesell, N. (2020). A Lifespan Model of Ethnic-Racial Identity. Research in Human Development, 17(2-3), 99-129.
Wilson, J. (in press). Initial Steps in Developing Classroom Observation Rubrics Designed Around Instructional Practices that Support Equity and Access in “Successful” Mathematics Learning Environments. Teachers College Record.
2020 Book Chapters
Elliot, E., Rastogi, R., Byrd, C. M. (2020). Engagement with diversity experiences: A self-regulated learning perspective. Palgrave Macmillan.
Eyupoglu, F., Nietfeld, J. L. (2020). Intrinsic motivation in game-based learning environments. (pp. 85-102). Springer.
Falter, M. M., Forbes, M. D. (2020). Amplifying teacher voices through Instagram: Subversive teaching meets the 21st century. Myers Press.
Lee, C. C., Picart, J. A., Schoonover, N. R., Dufresne, K. V. (2020). The power of literacy for community engagement: Partnering with youth community-based organizations. Routledge.
Marshall, P. L. (in press). In Baptiste, H. P., Hanes Writer, J. (Ed.), The Continuing Multicultural Education of a Black Teacher Educator: Reflections on a Journey Toward My Referent Other-Self (pp. 25-43). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Oliver, K. M., Tatar, C., Houchins, J. (2020). Modifying technical training for the online environment: A Community of Inquiry approach (pp. 163-167). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/216903/
Shen, J., Smith, B., Jiang, S. (2020). Integrating multimodal composing technology (MCT) in interdisciplinary learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Radakovic, N., Falter, M. M. (2020). Exploring vice characters, gothic literature, and the immigrant experience in Anya’s Ghost. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
White, A. A., DeCuir-Gunby, J. T., Petty, C. (2020). Negotiating intersectionality: The triple pressure of being an African American female scientist (pp. 1-33). IGI Global. 256069