Master of Education (M.Ed.)
The Master of Education (M.Ed.) graduate program with a specialization in Community College Teaching is a 36-41 coursework hour program with a required capstone paper. It offers a “split-degree focus,” with 18 hours of coursework in an academic discipline, 21 hours in community college teaching courses, and, as desired, elective courses. The program is designed for entering and experienced community college instructors who value having both academic discipline content expertise, as well as a strong background in adult learning, instructional design and evaluation, and community college education. This program offers a unique opportunity for individuals who wish to enhance their competencies as community college faculty, and it meets the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) guidelines for faculty qualifications.
Master of Science (M.S.)
The Master of Science (M.S.) graduate program with a specialization in Community College Teaching is a 48-hour coursework program with a required capstone paper. It offers a “split-degree focus,” with 18 hours of coursework in an academic discipline, 18 hours in community college teaching courses, elective courses if desired, and 12 hours of research methods and thesis. The program is designed for entering and experienced community college instructors who value having both academic discipline content expertise, as well as a strong background in adult learning, instructional design and evaluation, and community college education. This program offers a unique opportunity for individuals who wish to enhance their competencies as community college faculty, and it meets the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) guidelines for faculty qualifications. The 18 hours of disciplinary coursework at the graduate level may be taken at NC State or at an accredited institution, upon departmental and Graduate School approval. Up to a total of 18 hours of coursework may be transferred into the degree; this will include disciplinary courses and AHE courses taken prior to admission (see program website).
This program is offered for both full and part-time students; AHE courses are offered once a week during late afternoon or evening hours. In addition, select courses are occasionally available in summer session, on weekends, at other sites, and through distance education technologies.
Course of Study: Master of Education (M.Ed.)
The MEd program reflects a minimum requirement of 36 hours of course work, including a capstone paper. NC State University allows up to 18 hours of coursework to be transferred in from other institutions, but this transfer must have the student’s advisor approval and fit into the specialization of the curriculum (which is at a minimum of 15 hours). If you wish to apply NCSU graduate hours to the program, please consult with your advisor for additional information and approval.
1. Core Courses (15 hours)
EAC 522 – Foundations of Adult Education (3 hrs)
EAC 703 – Programming Process in AHE (3 hrs)
EAC 560 – Assessment and Evaluation of Adult Education (3 hrs)
EAC 559, The Adult Learner (3 hrs)
EAC 538 – Instructional Strategies in AHE (3 hrs)
2. Specialization (15-18 hours) – This specialization would be a specific academic focus.
To meet SACS requirements, students will need 18 hours of content-specific coursework. In addition, students with insufficient teaching and community college experiences, after consultation with their advisor, may take:
EAC 685 – Supervised Teaching (3 hrs) (for those with little or no experience in community college teaching)
EAC 700 – Community College and Two-Year Postsecondary Education (3 hrs)
3. Research and Capstone (6 hours)
EAC 551 – Research in Adult and Higher Education (3 hrs) * To be taken within first year
EAC 692 – Research Project (3 hrs)
MEd students will enroll in EAC 692 to write a comprehensive, capstone project to be negotiated between advisor and student. The capstone will describe a platform of practice. This platform of practice must demonstrate that students are (1) knowledgeable about the foundations of the field, (2) knowledge about reflective practice, (3) capable of coherent thinking and the systematic and organized communication of ideas, and (4) able to apply the multiple areas of study in their programs to emerging issues in the field. Program Completion: 36- 45 Hours Total (minimum requirement)
Course of Study: Master of Science (M.S.)
The MS program has a minimum requirement of 36 hours of course work and 12 hours of research methods and thesis. The thesis involves research into a topic of the student’s choice in community college teaching, as negotiated with their advisor. Applicants who have not had prior comparable teaching experiences are expected to do a supervised teaching semester. Within this degree specialization, NC State University allows up to 18 hours of coursework to be transferred in from other institutions, but this transfer must have the student’s advisor approval. If you wish to apply NCSU graduate hours to the program, please consult with your advisor for additional information and approval.
1. Core Courses (18 hours)
EAC 730 – Foundations of Adult, Higher and Human Res Education (3 hrs)
EAC 559 – The Adult Learner ( 3 hrs)
EAC 558 – Instructional Strategies in AHE (3 hrs)
EAC 560 – Assessment and Evaluation in AHE (3 hrs)
EAC 539 – Teaching in an Online Environment
EAC 700 – Community College Education (3 hrs)
2. Academic Discipline Focus (18-24 hours)
Transfers of up to 18 hours, from NC State or other accredited institutions, may be brought in upon departmental approval.
Students with insufficient teaching and community college experiences, after consultation with their advisor, may take: EAC 685 – Supervised Teaching (3 hrs)
3. Research Methods and Thesis (12 hours)
6 hours of research methods course – with permission of advisor
Six hours of research methods courses will prepare you to do original research on a topic of your choice in the area of community college teaching; the thesis is a six hour requirement. The choice of methods courses and the thesis topic will be negotiated with your advisor
EAC 695 – Thesis (6 hrs)
Program Completion: 48-54 Hours Total (minimum requirement)
Faculty Opportunities in Community Colleges
Throughout the nation as well as in North Carolina, community colleges have a growing need for qualified community college faculty. Projections suggest a continued trend in retirements, faculty turnover, and growth of student enrollments in the next five years Because there is no certification or licensure for community college instructors, desirable qualifications and availability of positions will vary from institution to institution. Under SACS accreditation standards, North Carolina Community Colleges are required to hire academic faculty with a minimum of 18 hours of an academic discipline. We advise you to speak to the Dean of Instruction and the coordinator in your disciplinary area specialization at your targeted community college regarding their desired qualifications, the availability of full-time or part-time positions in your targeted academic specialization, and preferences for instructional technology background. Please refer to the link on the North Carolina Community College System website regarding current job openings. You may also meet individually with these community colleges regarding current and future job openings, as not all positions are posted on the NCCCS website. The NCCCS website also provides direct links to each of the 58 North Carolina Community Colleges’ websites.
Duane Akroyd
Susan Barcinas
Associate Professor
M. Jayne Fleener
Chad Hoggan
Associate Professor
Dr. Pooneh Lari
Adjunct Assistant Professor