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PD 687 – The Arts and Sports as a Vehicle for Activism in Education: A Discussion with Marc Bamuthi Joseph

120 Poe Hall 2310 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join the College of Education and NC State LIVE for a discussion led by visiting performing artist/activist Marc Bamuthi Joseph who will be sharing his education model, Moving and Passing Curricular Tactics. Marc will discuss how educators can utilize this model to incorporate the arts and sports into advocacy and education. Lunch will be provided,…

PD 845 – NCCTM meeting: Personalized Learning

532 Poe Hall 2310 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

You've probably heard of "personalized learning", but do you know what it is its implications for classroom teachers? In this session, district leaders and a classroom teacher from Johnston County will share how personalized learning has been used in their county. Date: Tuesday, March 27th, 2018 Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM Location: POE 532 Audience:…

PD 845 – NCCTM meeting: Personalized Learning

532 Poe Hall 2310 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

You've probably heard of "personalized learning", but do you know what it is its implications for classroom teachers? In this session, district leaders and a classroom teacher from Johnston County will share how personalized learning has been used in their county. Date: Tuesday, March 27th, 2018 Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM Location: POE 532 Audience:…

PD 548 – Shaping Our Schools: Education Policy and Its Role in School Diversity

120 Poe Hall 2310 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

The state of our schools begins with those creating the policy around education. Join the Multicultural Young Educators Network as we learn more about education policy-making. This dialogue will be facilitated by Dr. Henry Johnson from the Education Leadership, Policy, and Human Development department. Our discussion will focus on how education policy affects diversity in…

PD 548 – Shaping Our Schools: Education Policy and Its Role in School Diversity

120 Poe Hall 2310 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

The state of our schools begins with those creating the policy around education. Join the Multicultural Young Educators Network as we learn more about education policy-making. This dialogue will be facilitated by Dr. Henry Johnson from the Education Leadership, Policy, and Human Development department. Our discussion will focus on how education policy affects diversity in…

Open House: Adult, Workforce, and Continuing Professional Education Program

512 Poe Hall

Join us for an open house featuring the Adult, Workforce, and Continuing Professional Education Program. This program blends expertise in design, implementation, and evaluation of informal and formal education initiatives. Students develop skills in the teaching and learning process, leadership, and policy—preparing them to serve in a broad range of educational settings and occupations. Register here…

Open House: Adult, Workforce, and Continuing Professional Education Program

512 Poe Hall

Join us for an open house featuring the Adult, Workforce, and Continuing Professional Education Program. This program blends expertise in design, implementation, and evaluation of informal and formal education initiatives. Students develop skills in the teaching and learning process, leadership, and policy—preparing them to serve in a broad range of educational settings and occupations. Register here…

PD 686 – Why Words Matter – Hidden Messages in School Texts

In this session, Dr. K.C. Busch will present research on how science texts frame the issue of climate change for student readers. Participants will have an opportunity to learn how to teach important text analysis skills to their students through interactive activities. While climate change will be the main science topic of this session, the…

PD 686 – Why Words Matter – Hidden Messages in School Texts

In this session, Dr. K.C. Busch will present research on how science texts frame the issue of climate change for student readers. Participants will have an opportunity to learn how to teach important text analysis skills to their students through interactive activities. While climate change will be the main science topic of this session, the…

PD 683 – Inherit new skills for teaching evolution

120 Poe Hall 2310 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

This session offers activities and information that will help pre-service middle and high school teachers effectively teach evolution to their students. The session begins with four collaborative learning activities that pre-service teachers can use later in their classrooms. Following these activities, there will be an interactive presentation about evolution that pre-service teachers can also use…