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Summer Study Abroad Scholarship Deadline

Scholarship applications for those interested in applying to study abroad during the Summer of 2021 are due! *With $600,000 in funding available, apply today! No program application is required at the time of the scholarship application.*

Summer Study Abroad Scholarship Deadline

Scholarship applications for those interested in applying to study abroad during the Summer of 2021 are due! *With $600,000 in funding available, apply today! No program application is required at the time of the scholarship application.*

Study Abroad: Possible During the Pandemic?

Interested in studying abroad, but not sure how to make it work during COVID-19? Join the College of Education Global Programs Office to learn more about how studying abroad and global learning can still be possible during the pandemic. Whether you are considering virtual options or planning to go abroad in summer 2021, come chat…

Study Abroad: Possible During the Pandemic?

Interested in studying abroad, but not sure how to make it work during COVID-19? Join the College of Education Global Programs Office to learn more about how studying abroad and global learning can still be possible during the pandemic. Whether you are considering virtual options or planning to go abroad in summer 2021, come chat…

How Going Abroad Helped Me as an Educator

Come listen to a great panel of College of Education Faculty and Staff who have had study abroad, teaching abroad and/or other global learning experiences. They will share their experiences with you and speak about the impact it has on them personally and professionally. You will also have a chance to ask your questions so…

How Going Abroad Helped Me as an Educator

Come listen to a great panel of College of Education Faculty and Staff who have had study abroad, teaching abroad and/or other global learning experiences. They will share their experiences with you and speak about the impact it has on them personally and professionally. You will also have a chance to ask your questions so…