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Doctoral Dissertation: BETH KORNEGAY

Beth Kornegay Dissertation Title: Shaping Tomorrow's Dental Clinicians: An Instrumental Case Study on Dental Faculty's Vision to Prepare Future-Ready Dentists. Under the direction of Dr. Jayne Fleener. 24 October 2023…

Doctoral Dissertation: VALENCIA HICKS-HARRIS

Valencia Hicks-Harris Dissertation Title: Activate Inner Genius: A Qualitative Exploration of Elementary STEM Education & Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy for Black Teachers in Elementary STEM Classrooms. Under the direction of Dr.…

Doctoral Dissertation: JENNIFER C. MANN

Jennifer C. Mann Dissertation Title: Experience is Your Power: Fostering Social Change Through Critical Literacy with Young Adults From Refugee Backgrounds. Under the direction of Dr. Crystal Chen Lee. October…