College Constitution
The faculty of the College of Education at North Carolina State University at Raleigh, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the College and the University, to promote their participation in the determination of College policy in such objectives, and to maintain the ideals of academic freedom which are the inherent right of a university faculty, do hereby effect this Constitution.
All provisions of this Constitution shall be in accord with the current published versions of NC State’s Policies, Regulations, and Rules.
Article I – Purpose
The purpose of this Constitution shall be to provide a framework and guidelines for the Faculty of the College of Education, North Carolina State University
- to consider issues of common concern affecting faculty welfare,
- to promote communication among the faculty and between the faculty and administration,
- to provide for wider faculty involvement in developing and establishing College of Education and University Regulations and Rules,
- to conduct the business of the faculty,
- to nurture the principle of academic freedom and
- to facilitate the orientation of new faculty members.
Article II – Membership
Section 1. The voting membership shall consist of all full-time persons in the College of Education with the academic rank of instructor or above, and other personnel with titles or roles in the College of Education similar to those defined in Article II, Section 2 of the General Faculty Bylaws. Emeritus Faculty will not be part of the voting membership.
Section 2. Any member of this faculty with a joint appointment in another College and who is subject to the provisions of this Constitution shall be considered full-time on the same basis as those with full-time appointments only in the College of Education.
Section 3. Non-voting members shall be accorded the privilege of participating in discussion at Faculty Meetings.
Article III – Officers and Duties
Section 1. The elective officers of the Faculty shall consist of a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. In order to provide continuity in leadership, the Vice Chairperson will assume the role of Chairperson following the year of service as Vice Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson will be elected annually by ballot during the month of April for the following year. In the event that both offices will be vacated at the end of a term, both will be elected for one year by ballot during the month of April. The officers of the Faculty will assume their duties at Commencement.
Section 2. The duties of the Chairperson shall be
- to preside at all meetings of the Faculty,
- to convene a minimum of two meetings of the Faculty per year,
- to talk with the Faculty and bring forward issues of governance when appropriate,
- to attend at least 2 Dean and Department Head meetings per semester, arranged at the beginning of each academic year; the role of the Faculty Chair will be to express the views of the faculty and to maintain confidentiality of meeting discussions,
- to serve as a member of the Coordinating Committee during the term as chairperson and the year following the term as Chairperson, and
- to oversee the assignment of faculty to committees in conjunction with the Coordinating Committee and work with Department Heads to fill open positions.
Section 3. The duties of the Vice Chairperson shall be
- to oversee the minutes of all Faculty meetings by checking with the person designated to take the minutes,
- to distribute a copy of the Constitution of the College of Education Faculty to new members of the Faculty,
- to notify each member of the Faculty at least one week in advance of the date of a regular or special meeting,
- to serve on the Coordinating Committee,
- to preside over the Faculty Meetings in the absence of the Faculty Chairperson, and
- to perform such other duties as may be designated by the Faculty.
Section 4. Coordinating Committee.
There shall be a Coordinating Committee consisting of the Chairperson of the Faculty, the immediate past Chairperson of the Faculty, the Vice Chairperson of the Faculty, and the senators elected to represent the College of Education. Its functions shall be to determine the order of business for the regular business meetings, to serve as a recruiting and organizing body, along with the Department Heads, for faculty committees, and to conduct those elections of college wide officers and university wide representatives as noted in Article VI of this Constitution.
Section 5. Succession of Officers.
If a vacancy occurs, the role of the Faculty Chairperson shall be assumed by the Vice Chairperson, who may, at the Coordinating Committee’s discretion, continue in this role through the normally expected year of service. The existing Coordinating Committee shall conduct a special election according to constitutional procedures to fill any other vacancies that occur.
Article IV – Meetings
Section 1. The Faculty shall hold at least one meeting during each semester of the academic year. The Coordinating Committee, in consultation with the Dean, shall determine the time for these meetings.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by vote of the Faculty. Special meetings shall be called upon petition of ten percent of the voting Faculty to the Chairperson of the Faculty or upon a resolution of any Standing Committee to the Chairperson of the Faculty.
Section 3. Except in case of emergency, the Vice Chairperson shall notify each member one week in advance of the date of a regular or special meeting concerning the time, place, and agenda of a meeting.
Section 4. Voting in all faculty meetings shall be by voice or standing vote or by secret ballot. A voice or a standing vote may be used on all matters unless a request is made for a secret ballot. A secret ballot may be requested by any member of the Faculty and must be put to a vote for consideration. Only results of the elections shall be announced and recorded in the minutes unless two- thirds of the Faculty present demonstrates by standing vote that the actual count of votes shall be recorded.
Section 5. Any member of the Faculty shall be entitled to suggest an item on the agenda, if it is emailed or submitted in writing to the Chairperson at least six days prior to a regular meeting and if it pertains to the business of the College. Proposals from the floor regarding new business will be included on the agenda of the next meeting. However, the agenda may be altered or new business brought up by a two-thirds vote of the voting faculty present.
Section 6. Roberts’ Rules of Order shall be the official reference for parliamentary procedure. The Vice Chairperson will be responsible for making sure this is followed.
Article V – Committees
Section 1. General Provision on Committees.
The Chairperson of each standing committee other than the Coordinating Committee shall be selected by the Committee. Except for the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, all committee meetings shall be open to College of Education Faculty members. In addition to special reports that may be called for by the Faculty, all Standing Committees shall submit at least one progress report each year. All committee reports shall be distributed in the following manner: a copy to the Chairperson of the Faculty, a copy to the Dean, a copy to the Associate Dean who is the liaison to the committees, and a copy retained in the committee records.
Section 2. Special Committees.
The Faculty or the Dean of the College may create any special committees as deemed necessary.
Section 3. Standing Committees. (except for RPT committee; See Article VII)
A. The following procedures are relevant for establishing Standing Committee membership.
- Membership shall be for three years except where shorter terms of some members (determined by lot) are needed to facilitate a staggered term assignment. Approximately 1/3 of each committee will be appointed each year.
- Each Standing Committee will have at least one student representative. Student representation shall be undergraduate and/or graduate as deemed appropriate by the Committee.
- Faculty shall be surveyed by Department Heads as to their preferences regarding which committee(s) they would like to serve on as members. Giving these preferences due regard, and insofar as feasible Department Heads will make committee recommendations to the responsible Associate Dean and Faculty Chairperson by May 15 of each year, who will make the committee assignments for review by the Dean.
- The Dean has the privilege of appointing representatives of the Dean’s office to any Standing Committee.
B. Following are the specifications for the Standing Committees
(1) Building, Equipment, Safety, and Space Committee. This committee will advise the Dean on space usage, reorganization of space, and other functions to be determined by the Committee. Each CED department, and also Psychology, will have a representative; the responsible Associate Dean, the Facilities Coordinator, and the Building Liaison will serve as a voting ex officio members. The Committee shall also include one graduate student member.
(2) Committee on Professional Education. This Committee will be advisory to the Dean and to the Office of Teacher Education. Faculty membership shall be recommended by department heads and will include two representatives each from the department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Counselor Education and the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education, two representatives from teacher preparation programs in the College of Humanities and Social sciences and one representative each from the Agricultural Education Program and the Department of Leadership, Policy, and Adult and Higher Education. (Graduate and undergraduate programs that involve licensure shall be represented). Ex officio voting members shall be the responsible Assistant and/or Associate Dean(s), the Director of the Media and Educational Technology Resource Center. Two undergraduate students shall also serve on the committee. The Chairperson of the Committee shall come from the faculty representatives; the Office of Professional Education will provide staff support for the Committee. The agenda for the Committee shall be developed jointly by the Chairperson and the Director of Professional Education.
(3) Courses and Curricula Committee. This committee will be responsible for reviewing undergraduate courses and curricula as needed. Each department with undergraduate programs shall be represented on the committee. Membership also includes the College representative to the University Courses and Curricula Committee.
(4) Graduate Studies Committee. The committee will review graduate courses and curricula and make recommendations to the Dean regarding College graduate program policies and procedures. Directors of Graduate Programs from each department, the elected College representative to the Administrative Board of the Graduate School, and the responsible Associate Dean will serve as voting ex officio members.
(5) Research Committee. This committee will advise the responsible Associate Dean and the Dean regarding matters of research conduct and administration. Each department and the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation shall be represented. The college Director of Research Development, the Director of Research Management, and the Associate Dean with responsibility for research will serve as voting ex officio members.
(6) Undergraduate Scholarship Committee. This committee will serve in an advisory role for the College’s scholarship program. This may include choosing scholarship recipients as needed. Each department with undergraduate programs shall be represented. The responsible Assistant Dean will serve as a voting ex officio member.
(7) Awards for Excellence Selection Committee. The purpose of this committee is to manage the process of the EPA and SPA Awards for Excellence Program. Membership includes a representative from each department, the award winners from the previous two years, and a representative from the Dean’s Office.
(8) Computer and Technology Committee. This committee will provide guidance and oversight of academic and administrative computing and related issues of technology in the College, including the expenditure of funds from the Education and Technology Fee budget. Membership will include two representatives from each CED department and also Psychology. The Director of Education Information Technology, the Director and Assistant Director of the Media and Educational Technology Resource Center, the Computer Labs Manager, and the responsible Associate Dean will serve as voting ex-officio members.
(9) COMID. The COMID committee is charged with engendering a climate of mutual respect for all who serve and are served by the College of Education. It will advance educational, cultural, and philosophical principles that promote inclusiveness and advocacy and serve as a catalyst for faculty/staff engagement by fostering cross-cultural communication between and among the College’s student, staff, faculty, and administrator groups. Membership will include two representatives elected from each department. Members will serve staggered terms to ensure continuity of activities. The responsible representatives from the Dean’s Office will serve as voting ex officio members.
(10) Faculty Awards Committee. This Committee solicits and reviews nominations for the faculty awards managed by the Office of Faculty Development and other similar awards as directed by the Dean. Recommendations of College nominees are forwarded to the Dean or other responsible individual. Deliberations on the selections shall be in accordance with instructions from the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Each department will be represented on this committee, and the Dean’s office will appoint 2 non-voting, ex officio members.
Section 4. Other College Committees and Special Representatives
- Student Grievance Committee Panel Faculty Representatives. Membership and procedures shall be in accordance with instructions from the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
- Coordinators. May be appointed by the Dean as needed to facilitate such college wide efforts as United Fund and Diploma Presentation.
- Faculty Senators. The Senators shall be selected in accordance with procedures in the Faculty Senate Bylaws.
- Faculty 604-607 Committee. The College representatives shall be selected in accordance with the procedures contained in the Policy, Rules and Regulations website.
- Faculty 603 Committee. College representatives elected according to Policies, Regulation, and Rules website.
Article VI – Elections
Section 1. The General Faculty Bylaws provides for the election of the College Senators.
Section 2. The College Faculty shall also elect the Vice Chairperson of the Faculty (who will then become Chairperson); members of the College of Education Reappointment, promotion, and Tenure Committee; and the College of Education representative to the Administrative Board of the Graduate School. If needed, the College faculty will elect the Chairperson of the Faculty.
Section 3. The College of Education Coordinating Committee shall conduct all elections including those assigned to the College Senators as defined in General Faculty Bylaws.
Section 4. Nominations to the above offices will be made in the following manner at times which best meet the requirements of that office.
- Faculty members may nominate eligible persons. Each nomination requires the consent of the nominated faculty member and the endorsement of one additional faculty member. A minimum of two weeks’ time from the date of announcement should be allowed for conducting the nominations.
- In the event more than two persons are nominated for one office, a primary election shall be held in which all nominations shall appear on a ballot. If no one candidate obtains a majority of the votes cast, the two persons obtaining the largest pluralities shall appear on the final ballot. A minimum of one week’s time will be allocated for the primary election.
- The final election shall be held with the names of both nominated persons appearing on a ballot distributed to eligible voters. The person receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. A minimum of one week’s time will be allocated for the election.
Article VII – Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee
The RPT committee will be responsible for making recommendations for reappointment, promotion, and tenure for tenure-track faculty and recommendations for promotion of non tenure-track faculty in the college. The committee shall consist of five tenured College of Education faculty members, who are elected by the tenure track and full-time, non tenure-track faculty. No department head, college administrator, or university administrator may serve. College RPT Committee members represent the College, not any department or other entity. There may be no more than two College RPT Committee members from any one department. The committee shall consist of at least three full professors.
Each member’s term of office shall be three years, with staggered appointments, and no member may serve consecutive full terms. The chair shall be elected by the College RPT Committee members. A candidate for promotion or tenure may not serve on the College RPT Committee during the year of candidacy. If members of the committee withdraw, they shall be replaced by elected members to serve the balance of the term.
Article VIII – Collective Responsiblity of the Faculty
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Faculty to formulate and maintain educational policy, to make recommendations pertaining thereto, and to adopt rules and regulations appropriate to its implementation.
Section 2. In matters of common and equal concern to the College of Education and to any other college of the university, the Faculty of the College of Education shall share coordinate responsibility, provided that such other colleges cooperate by full acceptance of complementary responsibility.
Section 3. The Faculty may express by formal resolution its opinion or desire on any subject relating to the administration or policy of the College or University.
Article IX – Amendments
Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be initiated by any of the voting membership of the College of Education Faculty (See Article II) by submitting a written statement of the proposed amendment, with the signatures of ten or more sponsoring faculty members, to the Coordinating Committee.
Section 2. Amendments shall be approved upon a favorable vote from a two-thirds majority of those Faculty voting in a referendum conducted by the Coordinating Committee.
Section 3. In those cases where amendments to this Constitution become necessary because of modifications to controlling Policies, Regulations, or Rules, the required changes may be made by the College Coordinating Committee and responsible Associate Dean. These changes are subject to review and approval by the Dean, after which they are communicated to the faculty and become effective immediately.
Article X – Ratification
Section 1. This Constitution shall be approved upon a favorable vote from a majority of those Faculty voting.
*Additional Amendments on October 10, 1984; September 6, 1988; April 6, 1992; September 30, 1992; May 15, 1999; May 21, 2001; April 12, 2002; April 2003; April 2004; April 2007; September 2013;