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PD 6752 – Agriscience Fair

Attendees will learn about the National FFA Agriscience Fair CDE through training and application as a room host. Room hosts can sign up at Additional information is provided in the form. No knowledge of the Agriscience fair is needed. We will have an orientation that will allow each of the room hosts an opportunity…

Doctoral Dissertation: DAVID LOTT

David Lott Title: Plant-based Nutrition and Educational Outcomes: A Qualitative, Comparative Case Study. Under the direction of Drs. Lance Fusarelli and Michael Ward. September 12, 2023 at 10 a.m. Zoom link:

PD 6749 – The Comeback: Building Resilience in Our Students and Ourselves

By the end of this workshop, learners will be able to describe what stress and resilience are, share at least one strategy for building resilience, and create a resilience plan for the semester. Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM Location: Online Audience: Pre-Service and Beginning Teachers Contact: Dr. Jared Stewart-Ginsburg Credit:…

Doctoral Dissertation: ABBY STOTSENBERG

Abby Stotsenbert Title: College Readiness and the Impact of a Skills-Based Advanced Placement Program: A Mixed Methods Study of Student and Teacher Perspectives. Under the direction of Dr. Michael Ward. September 13 at 12:00 p.m. Zoom link:


PD 6725 – Preservice Access to Computing Knowledge (PACK) Success

The PACK Success PGU provides engaging professional learning for preservice elementary teachers with the goal of increasing their self-efficacy, and thereby confidence and intention, for including CS in the “regular” classroom. Students will explore online and physical resources and gain exposure to related teaching standards with hands-on activities. Participants will be asked to participate in…

PD 115 – edTPA Task 2

During this session, candidates will work on selecting and analyzing video clips for their edTPA products. Date: Thursday, September 14th, 2023 Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM Location: Online Audience: Student Teachers Contact: Kimberly Ideus Credit: 0.5

PD 6753 – SAE Field Trip

Field trip to learn about Supervised Agricultural Experiences at Millbrook Magnet, Corinth Holders, and Southern Nash High Schools. Transportation is provided. Date: Friday, September 15, 2023 Time: 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM Location: Millbrook Magnet, Corinth Holders, Southern Nash High Schools Audience: Agricultural Education Students Contact: Travis Park Credit: 1.5

PD 6754 – Conversation with News & Observer and future teachers of NC State.

Join The News & Observer and NC State's College of Education for a candid conversation with future teachers from NC State on Monday, Sept. 18, 6:30-8 p.m. in the Talley Student Union on NC State's main campus. A panel of first-year education majors will talk about the challenges and opportunities they see facing teachers today…