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Professor Sylvia Nassar Wins National Professional Service Award from American Counseling Association

A statue of a howling wolf
Sylvia Nassar
Dr. Sylvia Nassar

Dr. Sylvia Nassar, professor of counselor education at the NC State College of Education, has received the 2019 Arthur A. Hitchcock Distinguished Professional Service Award from the American Counseling Association (ACA). This award recognizes outstanding service in addressing the issues of the counseling profession and promoting the future well-being of the field.

The association recognized 72 counseling students, counselors in practice and ACA members — including Nassar — at an awards ceremony during the national ACA 2019 Conference held March 28-31, 2019.

She has served in a variety of clinical mental health, schools and college settings over the past 32 years, and her initiatives have included promoting professionalism in counseling and counselor education.

Her recent National Science Foundation and NASA-funded projects have examined career stereotyping and evaluated curriculum tools, while her areas of scholarship and consulting include acculturation, advocacy, career development and underrepresentation issues, program evaluation, clinical supervision, and internationalization.

She was named an ACA Fellow in 2018, which is the highest honor awarded by the association, and a Research Triangle Institute (RTI) – International University Scholar in 2016.