See above link for username and password when off-campusA digital education newsletter with many different topics.
Contact Laura Fogle for help getting started – lbfogle@ncsu.eduVideo coaching tool to help students become better teachers!
Contact OIT or click on “Core Apps” to get more information about everything you can access with GSuite.
(Previously Overdrive) Integrate eBooks into your course. If you need specific titles contact METRC.Use your ID number to sign in.
See above link for username and password when off-campusEbooks in a variety of content areas
Contact METRC for help with the Google Slides AppFree tech tool to make face-to-face lectures more interactive
See above link for username and password.PebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-2 students. Packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities, it boosts engagement and fosters independent learning in core subject areas.
Create interactive videos for online classes or homework. The CED paid subscription will get you a pro account – further info and walk-thrus at for more help!
See above link for username and password when off-campusA resource to help integrate literature into your curriculum
Video database about instructional strategies, including webinars, in-class recordings, lesson planning, and more. No need to log in, just browse!
See above link for username and password. TeenBookCloud is an online collection of ebooks, enhanced novels, graphic novels, videos, and audio books, which includes access to an amazing range of content for all reading levels.
See above link for username and password Animated digital ebooks with curriculum materials – K-8 reading materials
Contact Laura Fogle ( for assistance. Teach online or in-person with our CED VoiceThread subscription.