Professional Growth Units in or by METRC
Learn how your school and local libraries can help improve literacy outcomes! November 6th, 2024, 5:00-6:00pm in D.H. Hill Jr. Library East Learning Lab B
Take our 3D printer training in order to learn about the printers, safety protocols, basic steps, and first-time printing. PLEASE NOTE: if you’ve already taken DH Hill’s Makerspace training, you STILL have to take METRC’s training. As a reminder, 3D printing is only available to College of Education and Psychology students, and only for classes or CED-related projects and jobs.
S.P.I.F.F.Y. = Students Protecting Intellectual Freedom For Youth. The purpose of this course is to provide background on Intellectual Freedom (IF), explain why it is important, and to suggest what you as a student can do to advocate for the rights of students on campus, in your community, and across the country.