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RLadies Club

The mission of R-Ladies groups is to increase the representation of women in the global R community through establishing local communities providing mentorship, collaborative learning, & support.  Join Zoom Meeting (ID: 92271143277, passcode: 540491) Join by phone (US) +1 602-753-0140 (passcode: 540491) Join using SIP (passcode: 540491) Joining instructions: Meeting host:

Navigating Moodle 4

Registration LinkAll Moodle courses for the upcoming academic year (2022/2023) will be upgraded to Moodle 4. Some changes to look forward to are a significantly redesigned interface and site navigation. A new "user experience" is the centerpiece of Moodle 4 and has been years in the making, reflecting extensive input from both faculty and students.…

Moodle 4 Open Lab

Registration LinkPRIOR TO THE OPEN LAB, request your fall courses through Wolfware on May 2nd or request access to a preview Moodle 4 course here.All Moodle courses for the upcoming academic year (2022/2023) will be upgraded to Moodle 4. Some changes to look forward to are a significantly redesigned interface and site navigation. A new "user experience" is the centerpiece of Moodle 4 and has been years in the…

Winter Welcome

Welcome incoming students in collaboration with Students Services