Professor Emerita Carol Kasworm Receives 2018 AAACE Cyril O. Houle Award
Carol Kasworm, the W. Dallas Herring Professor Emerita of Adult and Community College Education at the NC State College of Education, has received the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education’s 2018 Cyril O. Houle Award for the book Foundations of Adult and Continuing Education. The award recognizes scholars who have made outstanding contributions to literature in adult education.
Kasworm shares the award with her two co-authors: Jovita Ross-Gordon, a professor of adult education at Texas State University, and Amy Rose, an emeritus professor of adult education at Northern Illinois University.
Kasworm’s career has included leadership, administration, instructional, and program development efforts in faculty and academic administrative roles at six universities. Her main research and writing interests have focused upon the adult undergraduate experience, the situated influences of varied higher education contexts on adult learners, and of the role of adult higher education in a lifelong learning society.
Her scholarship has included six books, 32 book chapters, 87 refereed and non -refereed journal articles and proceedings, as well as numerous papers and presentations. She has received numerous honors, provided leadership to the field, and served on a number of national and international editorial boards for the adult education profession.
The Cyril O. Houle Award was established in 1981 to honor the scholarship and memory of Cyril O. Houle, professor of adult education at the University of Chicago. It is awarded annually by the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) for a book published in English in the previous year that reflects universal concerns of adult educators. Nominated works exemplify outstanding literature in adult education.
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