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Nov 9, 2016

Cultural Immersion for Stronger Classrooms

Future teachers in the MAT program took a cultural immersion trip to Mexico to learn how to connect with students on a personal level and increase students' chances for academic success. 

Participants and student volunteers at BUILD Academy.

Oct 17, 2016

Fostering Future Teacher Diversity at BUILD Academy

College of Education undergraduate students created a new initiative to empower high school males of color to consider education as a career path. 

Hiller Spires and delegation at the Suzhou North America High School.

Sep 19, 2016

Promoting Inquiry-Based Learning on a Global Scale

Hiller Spires, professor in the Teacher Education and Learning Sciences Department, discusses inquiry-based learning and the 2016 New Literacies Teacher Leader Institute. 

Aug 4, 2016

Meet the New College of Education Faculty

When you come back to Poe Hall this fall, there will be at least seven faces that you haven't seen before – new additions to the College of Education faculty! We are very excited to welcome this diverse group of educators – hailing from northern Italy, eastern North Carolina and everywhere in between – to our college. 

Jul 18, 2016

Spotlight on Elementary Education Major Anna Schlesinger

The College of Education creates a well-rounded undergraduate experience that prepares students to lead 21st century classrooms. Just ask Anna Schlesinger, a sophomore majoring in elementary education. 

Jun 24, 2016

NC State Student Chosen for Educational Scholar Program

Whitney N. McCoy, a doctoral student in educational psychology in the Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences (TELS), was selected to participate in the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)… 

Jun 16, 2016

Student Giving Profile: Melissa Goto

To showcase the importance of your contributions, we sat down with current students to discuss the impact that giving has had on their experiences in the College of Education. 

Dean Danowitz and Sarah Carrier Carrier with ECI 296 students.

Jun 16, 2016

5 Questions with Dr. Sarah Carrier about the Importance of Informal Education

Sarah Carrier is an associate professor in elementary and science education. One of her areas of research is informal education— that is, learning that takes place outside of the traditional classroom. We asked Carrier to share more about her research and about ECI 296, a special topics course offered every spring semester. 

Art and Boats in China

Jun 9, 2016

Where Culture and Education Come Together for Partnership in China

The NC State University 12-person delegation consisted of faculty, graduate students, and staff. The three city tour, included Nanjing, Suzhou and Shanghai, is part of the grant Suzhou North America High School: Connecting to the Future. The focus of the grant is to help design and implement a state-of-the-art high school in Suzhou. 

May 31, 2016

Learning Math Through Language

Sometimes the best way to solve problems is to talk through them. And sometimes the best way to learn to solve problems is to present strategies to others or to probe someone else’s thinking about how they solved a problem. That’s the idea driving Dr. Paola Sztajn’s Project AIM: All Included in Mathematics.