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Devon Graves: ‘I Believe That an Extraordinary Educator is Anyone That Inspires Others’

Devon Graves will join the NC State College of Education in the 2023-24 academic year as an assistant professor of community college leadership. 

He previously worked as an assistant professor in the College of Education, Kinesiology, & Social Work at California State University, Stanislaus, where he served in the Department of Advanced Studies in Education and taught in the educational leadership doctoral program. 

Learn more about Graves below:

Why did you choose a career in education?

I chose a career in education because I am a lifelong learner. I am grateful to be in a career that allows me to explore my passions and work alongside students and colleagues who are committed to solving some of the most pressing issues in education.

What inspired you to pursue a doctoral degree?

I was inspired to pursue a doctoral degree because I became passionate about discovering new knowledge and disseminating that knowledge to practitioners and other scholars. I appreciate the opportunity to be a lifelong learner through my research and engage with a community of scholars and practitioners who are committed to improving student experiences in higher education.

What are your research interests?

I am interested in understanding how community college students navigate higher education. I am particularly interested in learning about how policies and practices influence students’ experiences while in pursuit of their education. My current interests have been focused on the financial aid process and how this process serves as a detriment to low-income and students of color.

What sparked your interest in those topics?

I had a unique opportunity to serve on a state commission overseeing a state agency

responsible for administering state financial aid programs. Through my service, my interest in eliminating barriers for students in the financial aid process was sparked.

What is one moment or project in your academic career that you are particularly

proud of?

I am proud to be joining NC State! I am excited to meet new colleagues and learn more about the important region we serve.

What is your teaching philosophy?

My teaching philosophy is the application of knowledge. I believe it is vital for students to be able to apply course concepts to real-world situations that they experience.

What do you hope your students learn from you?

I hope that my students learn how to critically engage with scholarship and question institutions, policies and practices that lead to discussion and action for positive change.

What do you believe makes someone an extraordinary educator?

I believe that an extraordinary educator is anyone that inspires others. Inspiration leads to change!