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Feb 5, 2018

People of Poe | Alicia Hatmaker on Being a Beginning Teacher and a Graduate Student

Meet Alicia Hatmaker: beginning teacher at a Wake County high school and first-year master’s student at the NC State College of Education. 

Michael Maher and Malina Monaco

Feb 5, 2018

CAEP Voices (Video): Maher and Monaco on Accreditation & Educator Preparation Goals

Assistant Dean for Professional Education and Accreditation Michael Maher and Director of Knowledge Management Malina Monaco share their insights about achieving CAEP Accreditation and aligning NC State's educator preparation goals with the process. 

Friday Institute MOOC-Ed

Feb 1, 2018

Registration Open for Friday Institute’s Free Online Professional Development Courses for Educators

Registration has opened for six free online professional development courses for educators that the NC State College of Education's Friday Institution for Educational Innovation is offering this spring. Courses cover the content spectrum, from digital-age problem solving to reading foundations. Though the courses will begin Feb. 5, enrollment is ongoing 

Wolf statue and the Park Alumni Center.

Jan 31, 2018

Stelfanie Williams Named NC Community College President of the Year

In this Q&A, NC Community College President of the Year Stelfanie Williams ’11 EdD discusses her recent honor, why she chose education as a career, and how Vance-Granville Community College is impacting North Carolina. 

Marble Kids Museum Work Week logo

Jan 31, 2018

College of Education, Marbles Kids Museum to Host Word Week

NC State College of Education students and faculty will lead play-to-learn activities during Marbles Kids Museum's Word Week Feb.1-5. 

Jan 30, 2018

The 3 E’s of Developing a Bioproducts and Bioenergy Pipeline: Education, Economics and Excitement

Faculty from the College of Natural Resources and the College of Education team up to prepare students in eastern North Carolina for future careers in the bioproducts and bioenergy industries. 

Photo of Program Leaders Bartlett and Garcia

Jan 30, 2018

New Executive Mentorship Program Demonstrates Leadership in Action

Through the development of the Executive Mentorship Program, NC State’s Adult and Community College Doctorate of Education program is exposing its students to leadership in action and preparing them for mid-level and senior leadership positions upon graduation. 

New wolf statue on central campus.

Jan 25, 2018

Chronicle of Higher Education: How College May Actually Limit Students’ Exposure to Different Religions

New academic/social environments and a lack of close relationships may limit the first-year college student's exposure to interfaith dialogue according to new research by Professor Alyssa Rockenbach. She shares her research and how to combat this with the Chronicle of Higher Education. 

Jan 24, 2018

Inside Higher Ed: Little Interest in Religion

Professor Alyssa Rockenbach shares newly published results from the Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey (IDEALS) with Inside Higher Ed and talks about why interfaith learning is important during the first-year college experience. 

NC State Belltower at dusk.

Jan 24, 2018

Technician: NC State rises in academic value, programs gain in rankings

The College of Education continues to help NC State rise in educational value through gaining in U.S. News & World Report rankings and being selected for the revamped North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program. Dean Mary Ann Danowitz speaks to The Technician about the college's recent achievements in its latest edition.