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A statue of a howling wolf

Dec 10, 2018

3 NC State Education Faculty Projects Receive STEM Education Initiative Funding

Three faculty members from the NC State College of Education -- K.C. Busch, Karen Hollebrands and Temple Walkowiak -- were recently awarded research grants from the STEM Education Initiative. The funding will support projects focused on learning STEM in informal contexts, enhancing online courses for mathematics teaching specialists, and preparing elementary teachers to become leaders in mathematics teaching and learning.

Teachers in a classroom meeting

Dec 6, 2018

$1 Million Grant Will Support Broadening Participation in Computer Science and Computational Thinking

A team of faculty and researchers at NC State University were recently awarded a three-year $1 million National Science Foundation grant in collaboration with the Wake County Public School System, UNC-Charlotte and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools to broaden participation in computer science and computational thinking in North Carolina. Dr. Eric Wiebe, Dr. Dave Frye and Dr. Sherry Freeman from the NC State College of Education's Friday Institute for Educational Innovation and Dr. Tiffany Barnes from the Department of Computer Science at NC State will lead this project, starting this month, titled EcoCS: Developing a Systemic, Scalable Model to Broaden Participation in Middle School Computer Science Using an RPP Approach.

Dec 6, 2018

Graduating Students Yolanda Wilson, Armando Salazar-Cardoso to Deliver Keynote Addresses at December Graduation

Graduating students Yolanda Wilson ’18EDD and Armando Salazar-Cardoso ’18 will deliver the keynote addresses at the NC State College of Education’s December 2018 Graduation Ceremony Wednesday, Dec. 19. Get to know the student speakers.

The cover of Meaningful Partnerships case study

Dec 6, 2018

The Hunt Institute: Meaningful Partnerships – Lessons from Two Innovative Principal Preparation Programs

A study from the Hunt Institute highlights two innovative programs – the Northeast Leadership Academy at the NC State College of Education and Kansas City Pathway to Leadership in Urban Schools (KC PLUS) in Missouri. In creating pro­grams to meet the unique needs of districts located in rural and urban settings, respectively, both NELA and KC PLUS have built rigorous, practice-based principal preparation programs utilizing equity-fo­cused school leader development. The Hunt Institute takes a closer look at each program.

Dec 6, 2018

The Graduate School’s Wolf of the Week: Sarah Hammond

The Graduate School recognized Sarah Hammond, a doctoral student in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development, as its Wolf of the Week this week. Hammond's research focuses on equity issues in education, and she recently produced a documentary that explores the experiences of underrepresented students in veterinary medicine entitled “On the Margins of Veterinary Medicine."

A screen capture of the Education Day video Wake County Public School System created

Dec 6, 2018

[Video] Wake County Public School System: Education Day with Wolfpack Women’s Basketball

Nearly 2,000 fifth-graders from Wake County Public School System joined us for Education Day at the Wolfpack Women's Basketball game on Wednesday, Dec. 5. Members of the NC State College of Education provided curricula materials for students to review during the game and helped out during a science-themed halftime show.

Dec 5, 2018

Living and Learning in SAY Village

Residents of NC State College of Education’s Students Advocating for Youth (SAY) Living and Learning Village help local elementary, middle and high schoolers tackle bullying, self-esteem and academic obstacles while building friendships and life skills of their own in historic Syme Hall.

Science Elementary Education

Dec 4, 2018

The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal: NC State, UNC Partner to Combat Teacher Shortage

Pathway to Practice, a joint program between the NC State College of Education and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is providing an innovative solution to North Carolina's teacher shortage by offering a new online, competency-based program for lateral-entry teachers. Lateral-entry teachers can clear their provisional North Carolina teaching licenses through the program in 12 to 18 months.

New wolf statue on central campus.

Dec 4, 2018

Associate Professor James Bartlett Receives ACTER’s Meritorious Service Award

The Meritorious Service Award from the Association for Career and Technical Education Research recognizes individuals who have made unique contributions to research in career and technical education during the previous three years.

A group of students gather around a microscope.

Nov 29, 2018

UNC System: Pursuing Excellence in All 100 Counties

Ally Gagnon, a freshman science education major at the NC State College of Education, says she's learning how to lead her future STEM classroom with creativity, dedication and passion as a Teaching Fellow at NC State. The recently re-established N.C. Teaching Fellows program offers competitive, merit-based forgivable loans to students like Gagnon who want to pursue teaching in areas of critical need in North Carolina.