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Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach

Feb 10, 2020

The Salt Lake Tribune: College Survey Shows How to Turn Suspicion of Latter-day Saints into Appreciation

The IDEALS Project, on which NC State College of Education Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach, Ph.D., is a co-principal investigator, highlights the importance of being able to disagree about a topic like religion while maintaining a friendship.  

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach

Dec 9, 2019

IDEALS Project Cited in Government Accountability Report Addressing Religious-Based Hate Crimes on College Campuses

The IDEALS project was cited in a recent U.S. Government Accountability Office report addressing the increase of religious-based hate crimes on college campuses. Co-principal investigator Alyssa Rockenbach addresses her work on the report and the latest findings from the IDEALS project in this Q&A. 

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach

Nov 20, 2019

The Christian Science Monitor: Cancel Culture’s Flip Side: Gen Zers Befriend Political Foes

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach discusses college students' exposure to inter-worldview friendships following the release of an IDEALS Project study that showed students with inter-worldview friendships are more tolerant.  

New wolf statue on central campus.

Nov 14, 2019

Patheos: Survey Shows That Friendships with Atheists Can Defeat the Stigma Against Us

Gordon Maples, a doctoral student in the Educational Leadership, Policy and Human Development department at the NC State College of Education discusses an IDEALS Project study that shows the impact of inter-worldview friendships on college campuses.  

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach

Oct 23, 2019

Religion in Public: Learning To Revel in Our Shared Humanity – The Effects of Friendships Across Difference

A new IDEALS Project report, co-authored by Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach, Ph.D., found that college students are better prepared for living in a diverse society when they have inter-world friendships across religions, non-religious, spiritual and ideological differences.  

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach

Oct 23, 2019

Real Clear Religion: National Study Shows the Promise of Diverse Interfaith Friendships on College Campuses

n IDEALS Project study, co-authored by Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach, Ph.D., shows that college students who have close friendships with peers of differing beliefs develop more empathy and understanding for people with different world views.  

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach

Oct 15, 2019

Inside Higher Ed: Varied Friendships Make Students More Tolerant

A new IDEALS Project study, co-authored by Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach, found that relationships between college students from differing faiths and political views encourage them to be more empathetic and understanding of others’ beliefs. 

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach

Oct 11, 2019

Diverse Issues in Higher Education: Study Finds College Students Build Friendships that Bridge Divides

A new study co-authored by Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa N. Rockenbach finds that college students who build diverse friendships are likely to develop positive attitudes towards all world views. 

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach

Oct 3, 2019

IDEALS Project Study Reveals How College Students Are Bridging Polarizing Differences

The latest study from the IDEALS project, on which NC State College of Education Professor Alyssa Rockenbach is co-principal investigator, found that friendships developed in the first year on a college campus can endure to bridge divides and cultivate pluralistic worldviews. 

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach

Aug 21, 2019

Professor Alyssa Rockenbach to Receive Applied Psychology of Religion and Spirituality Award for Work on IDEALS Project

Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Alyssa Rockenbach, Ph.D., will be recognized next year for her work on the Interfaith Diversity Experiences & Attitudes Longitudinal Survey (IDEALS) project.