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CED research

During the showcase, a team of students under the direction of Person Early College for Innovation and Leadership’s engineering teacher, David Price, created a UV water treatment system.

May 13, 2020

PBI Global Provides Authentic, High-Impact Learning for an NC Rural/Urban School Partnership

Through a two-year, NSF-funded DRK-12 exploratory grant, a multidisciplinary team of researchers at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation and the NC State College of Education are examining how engagement in Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global, a collaborative global inquiry process, affects the development of learners’ science content knowledge and motivation. 

Christy Byrd

Aug 17, 2018

Meet Christy Byrd: I Work Alongside My Students to Promote Social Change

"I hope my students will be inspired by my story: a first-generation college student who gets to do what she loves every day--work with awesome students to promote social change," says the new assistant professor.

Aug 17, 2018

Meet Jennifer Ayscue: Education Has the Power to Change Lives

“I believe that education has the power to change lives. Schools are extremely important because they provide children and youth with education, and they are also a public institution where people of all different backgrounds have the potential to come together to learn," says the new assistant professor.

Aug 17, 2018

The 74: Why Diversity Matters

Kevin Mahnken references NC State Education researcher Anna Egalite's work on how the race of teachers impacts student achievement in an article for The 74, a non-profit, non-partisan news site covering education in America.

Aug 17, 2018

Meet Paula McAvoy: I’m Committed to Research That Helps Teachers Do Their Best Work

"I decided to return to a faculty position because I want to focus on research and teaching. NC State’s land-grant mission appeals to my commitment to conduct research that helps teachers do their best work," says the new assistant professor of social studies.

Photo of a citizen taking notes while birdwatching

Jul 11, 2018

More Than a Hobby: How Volunteers Support Science

Why count birds, give gardening advice or gaze at stars? Professor Gail Jones' research says citizen science benefits volunteers, the community and science itself.

Map of North Carolina

Jun 6, 2018

Fordham Institute Flypaper: Steps Towards Examining the Academic Impact of North Carolina’s Opportunity Scholarship Program

In this Fordham Institute blog post, NC State Education researchers Anna Egalite and Trip Stallings discuss how they, along with colleague Stephen Porter, coordinated with a diverse set of public and private school partners to conduct a pilot evaluation on North Carolina's Opportunity Scholarship Program despite significant barriers.

Jun 5, 2018

WUNC: Researchers Say N.C. Voucher Program Needs Closer Look Than They Can Give

Researchers at the NC State College of Education and the Friday Institute this week released the results of an unpublished evaluation of the Opportunity Scholarship, a state-funded voucher that helps low-income students attend private schools. The research came out with positive results for the voucher recipients who participated in the study – but the authors say those results come with many caveats.

Jere Confrey

May 29, 2018

“Shark Tank” Competitions Provide Feedback, Increase Engagement in STEM Classrooms

Through a recently National Science Foundation funded $1.2 million ITEST grant, Jere Confrey and her team will continue to help math classrooms redesign group work to inspire and engage children through entrepreneurial problem-solving and coaching.

Mar 21, 2017

Graduate Education Week | How Graduate Students’ Research Impacts Education

To coincide with NC State’s Graduate Education Week, which begins March 20, we talked to two doctoral students in the College of Education who recently presented at the 4th annual Scholar-Practitioner Symposium.