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Tomorrow’s Learning Leaders – Still Loving NC State

We’re talking to future middle school teacher Lindsay Still in this edition of our “Tomorrow’s Learning Leaders” series. Still graduated on May 7 with a bachelor’s degree in middle grades language arts and social studies education.

Still took some time out of her schedule to give us an inside look at receiving a degree from the College of Education, and what she learned from her time at NC State.

Why did you choose to come to NC State? When did you begin your studies?

I chose to come to NC State because I liked the Raleigh area, and had heard great things about the College of Education. I entered college in the spring semester of 2013.

What is the greatest challenge you had to overcome during your time here?

Because I entered college one semester late, I was behind in my class load. I had to take two semesters of summer school, as well as some heavy class loads for a few semesters in order to catch up. I was worried that I wouldn’t graduate on time and would have to add a year to my college career.

What has been your best NC State memory?

I don’t think I can choose one memory from my time here at NC State because I have had so many wonderful times. I have made so many amazing friends. The community at NC State is amazing, and I will miss it dearly.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

I plan to teach at a local middle school in Wake County.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned in the College of Education?

I’ve learned how to utilize my creativity and ingenuity in order to become an effective emerging teacher. The college has challenged me to think outside the box and to not settle for mediocre outcomes.

Has there been a particular faculty or staff member that has greatly influenced your education?

I loved Candy Beal. She was my instructor for one of my middle grades education courses, as well as my advisor for the past two years. Her passion for teaching and learning has really influenced me to become the best teacher that I can be, in order to instill a passion for learning in my future students. She is retiring this year, but her legacy will live on at NC State. We love you, Dr. Beal!

How do you think the College of Education has prepared you for a career after graduation?

The college has prepared me for a career after graduation by equipping me with both theoretical and practical teaching skills. I have learned how to integrate technology into my teaching, how to build meaningful relationships with students, how to effectively reach a diverse classroom, and so much more that is necessary to be a great teacher. Because of my education through the college and NC State, I excelled at my student teaching experience and know that I will continue to do well in my career after I graduate.

What advice would you give students considering pursuing a degree in education?

You may struggle at times during your college career. You may question if you are in the right major. Just remember that at the end of the day, if you decide to pursue a degree in education, you will be choosing a degree that will always make a difference. You will be choosing a degree that will always reap rewards. You will be choosing a degree that will change a child’s life.  

Do you have any additional thoughts on graduating?

I am very sad to be leaving NC State. I have made so many great memories here and have learned so much about education, life and myself. But I am excited to see what the future holds for me. NC State played a big role in where I am today, and I will forever be grateful.