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Four Questions with Graduating Doctoral Student Stephen Day

Stephen Day

In December, we recognize and congratulate our students who will receive their degrees during fall commencement.

To celebrate their achievements, we’ll feature some of our outstanding students and share their postgraduation plans throughout the month.

Stephen Day is a doctoral graduate who studied social studies curriculum and instruction in the Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences.

When did you begin your graduate studies at NC State? Summer 2011

What has been your best memory during your time here? Most of all, I’ve enjoyed editing the Meridian Journal of K-16 Classroom Computer Technologies. It’s the student-run peer-reviewed journal here in the College of Education.

Working with it really forced me to see the research and writing process from a more rigorous perspective, and it made me a lot more critical of my own writing. I highly encourage any doctoral student to get involved with Meridian!

What do you plan to do after graduation? I got a job! I’m the new director of the Center for Economic Education at Virginia Commonwealth University. My job is to research and implement new ways to teach economics. It’s exactly what I trained to do at NC State.

How do you think CED has prepared you to re-enter the field? My adviser was really good about involving me in his research projects. This helped me understand the field on a more conceptual level, but it also gave me some very practical skills.