Assistantships & Financial Aid
For students pursuing a graduate education at NC State, scholarships, grants and financial aid are helpful in making education more affordable. Through the ongoing support of corporations and friends of the College, we are able to offer a number of scholarships to incoming ELPHD students, as well as assistantship opportunities. Many are specific to students earning a degree from the ELPHD department.
Recurring Scholarships
Scholarship amounts range from $500 to $5,000 and are only for students who are currently enrolled in or have been admitted to the College of Education by a select date each semester. Notification about the availability of scholarships and the scholarship application process will also be posted for current/continuing undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Education.
Another valuable form of financial assistance for students in good academic standing is through a graduate assistantship. Typically, through part-time employment within the ELPHD department, students are able to earn a stipend or tuition remission in exchange for assisting a faculty member, the department or the College of Education.
In the University
Travel Grant
This one-time grant is for graduate students to travel and present a paper at professional conferences. Apply directly to the University Graduate Student Association
Research Grants in the Field
A number of research grants are available for applications from various counseling professional associations, such as American Counseling Association, North Carolina Counseling Association and American Education Research Association. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively with professors, particularly their advisors, to develop research proposals for submissions. Talk with an advisor for more information.
Wilcox-Hodnett Doctoral Fellowships
The Wilcox-Hodnett Fellowship is for doctoral students in the EdD in Educational Leadership Program and students in the Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (EEPA) program are eligible if their dissertation will focus on K-12 leadership/administration/policy.
Please complete this application if you wish to be considered for the Wilcox-Hodnett Doctoral Fellowship. Application deadline is Oct. 15, 2021 at 5 p.m. EST.
For more information, please contact:
Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development
Counselor Education Scholarships & Grants
We have several scholarships available for students entering or currently in our Counselor Education program.
(1) Kimberley F. Crews Memorial Fund:
The award “shall be made by the head of the Counselor Education Department or his or her designee… in the selection criteria shall be based primarily upon the financial need of the recipient and should be focused upon those students who show great promise for professional accomplishments.” There shall be two awards from this endowment, each to a student in the graduate program in Counselor Education. One fellowship shall be given to a student in the first year of study. The other grant shall be given to a student in the second year. Awards shall be for single academic year only, but a first year grantee may be considered for the second year grant. Also, preference shall be given to those students expressing an interest in pursuing a career in child abuse counseling. Awards shall be for a single academic year only. A range from $500 to $1,500 may be granted per award, depending on the income of the fund in each year.
(2) Beatrice and Roy Anderson Roy Education Fund
The fund was established in memory of Dr. Roy Nels Anderson for his significant contributions through the professional accomplishments and personal lives of students who study at NC State. The fund is granted to a prospective graduate student each year in order to bring outstanding students to the program. Recipients shall have a record of outstanding achievement, possess personal qualities of empathy and compassion in interpersonal relations, and show promise for making future contributions to the profession. A range from $500 to $1,500 may be granted per award, depending on the income of the fund in each year.
(3) Cassandra Lee Versteeg Mitchell Memorial Scholarship:
The scholarships will be awarded to students majoring in Counselor Education with a preference for students who have personal experience with or who seek to work with persons with disabilities. Awards from this endowment will be made by the head of the Counselor Education program in consultation with members of his/her faculty and through interviews with student applicants. It is the intention of the donors that these awards go to students who have personal experience with or who show exceptional aptitude and ability to work with persons with any type of disability without regard to the academic standing or financial need of the scholarship recipients. The department may consider the student’s ability and ease with working with persons under a disability, their community or campus involvement plus their enthusiasm and dedication in this area. A range from $500 to $1,000 may be granted per award, depending on the income of the fund in each year.
(4) Sandi Mitchell Fund
The fund was established in 1999 to support the professional or personal development of graduate students in the Counselor Education Program. Graduate students can apply for funds. Application for grants up to and not exceeding $200 will be considered.
All existing students and in-coming new students will automatically be considered for the above scholarships. Scholarships recipients will be notified in the beginning of fall semester.