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Soonhye Park

Mar 12, 2024

Professor of Science Education Soonhye Park Receives Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professorship Award

NC State College of Education Professor of Science Education Soonhye Park believes the goal of working with graduate students is a lot like the ultimate goal of parenting; to empower independence and support the development of knowledge, skills and confidence. Her work in helping students become independent researchers who excel in their future careers was recently honored when she was selected to receive the NC State Alumni Association Distinguished Graduate Professorship Award.

Wake STEM Early College Students

May 26, 2022

College of Education Faculty Contribute to New Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education

A new book co-edited by Gail Jones, an Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor in the NC State College of Education, is providing insights into science teacher education through a thorough review of research related to science teacher preparation, induction and career-long professional learning. The book’s 35 chapters are divided into six sections, two of which were edited by Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Sarah Carrier and Professor Soonhye Park.

stack of books

Apr 20, 2022

Publication and Presentation Roundup: A Look at Scholarly Work from College of Education Researchers from January-March, 2022

Faculty, staff and research associates at the NC State College of Education, including its Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research and Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, are publishing their research related to pressing educational topics in journals and sharing their work through national and international presentations. Take a look at a selection of presentations and publications from our faculty and research associates from January through March 2022.

NC State College of Education Professor Soonhye Park disucsses PCK

Mar 28, 2022

How Can Developing Strong Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Help Teachers Better Engage Their Students in Science Learning? ‘PCK Enables Teachers to Translate Their Content Knowledge into Forms That are More Accessible and Comprehensible to Students,’ Says Professor Soonhye Park

There are strong connections between students’ engagement and academic achievement in science and their ultimate career intentions in STEM fields. For this reason, Soonhye Park, a professor of science education in the NC State College of Education, believes engaging K-12 students in science activities is critical to both prepare scientifically literate students and produce a future STEM workforce.

Researchers working with robot

Aug 4, 2021

NC State College of Education Awarded Over $5 Million in Research Funding From April-June, 2021

Faculty and researchers at the NC State College of Education, including the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation and the Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research, were awarded $5,296,858 to support 18 projects from April 1 to June 30, 2021.

Science Elementary Education

Jun 17, 2021

Professor Soonhye Park and Assistant Teaching Professor Matt Reynolds To Provide Support for Rural STEM Teachers Through Work on $2.6M Grant-funded Project

Research shows that rural schools tend to face a variety of barriers compared to their urban and suburban counterparts when it comes to teaching STEM. Many of these schools, said…

Headshot of Carla C. Johnson

May 28, 2020

Professor Carla Johnson Leads the Development of First Handbook of Research on STEM Education, Featuring Contributions from College of Education Faculty

Several College of Education faculty members have contributed chapters in the recently released Handbook of Research on STEM Education, on which Professor Carla Johnson, Ed.D., served as lead editor. In addition to that work, Johnson has also helped pilot a new STEAM curriculum that is being piloted throughout China.

A statue of a howling wolf

May 29, 2019

NC State Education Awarded $7.6M in Research Funding March-May 2019

Faculty and researchers at the NC State College of Education and its Friday Institute for Educational Innovation were awarded $7,643,909 to support 11 research projects from March 13 to May 15, 2019.