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Jenn Ayscue

An empty classroom

Jul 10, 2024

WRAL: Durham Public Schools Redistricting Plan Praised As Step Toward Equity

A new study shows a concerning trend in North Carolina with public schools becoming more segregated. One district is being highlighted as a good example - Durham Public Schools (DPS). 

school bus

Jul 10, 2024

Indy Week: Durham Public Schools’ Redistricting Plan Seeks to Rectify Resegregation

Considering the fact that public schools in North Carolina are more segregated now than after the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka ruling in 1954, it’s no wonder that Durham Public Schools (DPS) is taking such bold, purposeful measures with the Growing Together initiative. 

An empty classroom

May 21, 2024

WCNC: North Carolina Schools Are More Segregated Now Than 40 Years Ago, Study Finds

A study by N.C. State shows schools here are more segregated now than in the 1980s. Researchers behind the study say the state's voucher program for private schools and the recent growth in charter schools are largely to blame. 

May 20, 2024

The News and Observer: NC’s Public Schools Are Now More Racially Segregated Than They Were in the 1980s

Friday marked 70 years since the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic Brown vs. Board of Education decision that triggered decades of efforts to integrate schools. But N.C. State researchers say the data shows North Carolina’s public schools are more racially segregated now than they were in the late 1980s. 

students in a classroom in the 1950s

May 20, 2024

ABC11: 70 Years After Brown v Board, Segregation Remains in NC Public Schools

According to "Can Our Schools Capture the Educational Gains of Diversity? North Carolina School Segregation, Alternatives and Possible Gains", a joint study between researchers at N.C. State University and UCLA, even as North Carolina's public schools have become more racially diverse, they are more segregated now than they were 30 years ago. 


May 20, 2024

WRAL: NC Schools Are Struggling With Segregation 70 Years After Brown v. Board, New Research Shows

While fewer North Carolina schools have overwhelmingly white student bodies, more Black students are attending schools that are overwhelmingly made up of students of color, according to a study released this month by researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of California, Los Angeles. 

school bus

May 17, 2024

Axios Raleigh: North Carolina schools are segregated while the state’s become more diverse

Jenn Ayscue, an assistant professor of education and one of the co-authors of a new report, notes three major causes of re-segregation of public schools in North Carolina. 

NC State College of Education Assistant Professor Jenn Ayscue, Ph.D.

May 14, 2024

NC Newsline: Dr. Jenn Ayscue On a New Report Examining the Resegregation of North Carolina Public Schools

Assistant Professor Jenn Ayscue discusses a new report entitled “Can Our Schools Capture the Education Gains of Diversity? North Carolina School Segregation, Alternatives and Possible Gains." 

May 13, 2024

WUNC: Study Finds North Carolina Public Schools Are Growing More Segregated

A new study by N.C. State University researchers has found that North Carolina public schools are becoming more segregated by race, even as the overall student population becomes more racially diverse. 

May 13, 2024

NC Newsline: Monday Numbers: Racial Segregation in North Carolina Schools Roars Back

This Friday, May 17, marks the 70th anniversary Brown v. Board of Education — the landmark United States Supreme Court ruling that ordered an end to racial segregation in American public schools. As a new report from researchers at NC State makes clear, however, that momentum in our state has waned and now things are trending strongly in the opposite direction.