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Dan Kelly CAREER grant

May 7, 2024

Assistant Professor of Technology, Engineering, and Design Education Daniel Kelly Uses CAREER Grant to Blend Robotics and Social-emotional Learning to Improve Education for Students in the Juvenile Justice System

Assistant Professor of Technology, Engineering, and Design Education Daniel Kelly is using robotics to help students in the juvenile justice system understand their emotions while training pre-service teachers to work with this specialized population through his National Science Foundation CAREER grant. 

Hollylynne Lee

Apr 11, 2024

Distinguished University Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Education Hollylynne Lee Leads Team Named Finalist in 2023-24 Tools Competition

A team of developers at NC State and RTI International, led by Distinguished University Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Education Hollylynne Lee, are finalists in the Preparing for the 21st Century World track of the 2023-24 Tools Competition. 

Apr 10, 2024

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education Samantha Marshall to Partner with Teachers to Improve Translanguaging Pedagogy through NSF CAREER Grant

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education Samantha Marshall is using a five-year, $926,102 National Science Foundation CAREER grant to partner with middle school teachers in order to co-design, analyze and improve teachers’ translanguaging pedagogies, or pedagogies that draw on students’ full linguistic repertoires as resources for learning. 

Feb 29, 2024

Doctoral Student Brayan Diaz Explores Benefits of Screen-based vs. Paper-based Literacy Learning in Recently Published Article

Doctoral student Brayan Diaz is the lead author on a recently published article that explores the use and impact of digital tools on literacy education. 

Interdisciplinary Research Hubs

Dec 5, 2023

NC State College of Education to Launch 3 Interdisciplinary Research Hubs as Part of New Strategic Plan

NC State’s College of Education will form three Interdisciplinary Research Hubs that cut across disciplines to generate creative and innovative solutions to address some of the most pressing challenges in education as part of the implementation of its Strategic Plan: 2023-2030. 

Close-up of laptop

Jul 12, 2023

K-12 Schools Need Staff, Training To Face Cybersecurity Threats

K-12 school leaders need more technology staff, training and technology infrastructure, a recent NC State study found. 

Student learning online

Oct 12, 2022

Teachers Detail Digital Safety Concerns, Strategies in Elementary Schools

A recent study detailed elementary school teachers’ concerns for students’ digital safety as well as strategies schools are implementing in response. 

Distinguished Professor Hollylynne Lee and Friday Institute Senior Research Associate Gemma Mojica

Oct 6, 2022

Hollylynne Lee and Gemma Mojica Aim to Transform Teacher Preparation for Data Science and Statistics Education through $2.5 Million Grant

Since 2016, Hollylynne Lee and Gemma Mojica have been addressing the need to prepare more educators who can engage students in data investigations through the ESTEEM project. Now, they’re expanding upon that work to help teacher educators through a networked improvement community. 

METRC Virtual Reality

May 18, 2021

Associate Professor Cesar Delgado Will Help Science Students Understand Scale in Virtual Reality Environments Through Work on $1.3M NSF Grant

Young students often hold the belief that the smallest objects in existence are the smallest objects they can see with the naked eye and struggle to conceive of scientific entities that are too small to see. As the co-principal investigator on the three-year “Virtual Reality to Improve Students’ Understanding of the Extremes of Scale in STEM” project, Associate Professor Cesar Delgado, Ph.D., will help uncover how students’ understanding of scale and numeracy can be improved through the use of virtual reality technology.