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audrey jaeger

Team member at the Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research converse in the Belk Center's offices.

Jun 26, 2024

Supporting the Colleges That Serve Our Communities

The Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research at the College of Education drives collaboration to support North Carolina's 58 community colleges. 

Feb 9, 2024

EdNC: What Do National Transfer Outcomes Reveal, and How Does North Carolina Compare?

A study released this week highlights national transfer outcome data and examines how community colleges and four-year institutions provide opportunities for students to transfer and earn a bachelor’s degree. 

Belk Center Executive Director and NC State College of Education Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Audrey Jaeger

Dec 8, 2023

Belk Center Executive Director, W. Dallas Herring Professor Audrey Jaeger Named 2024 University of North Carolina System Faculty Fellow

Audrey Jaeger, W. Dallas Herring Professor in the NC State College of Education and executive director of the Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research, has been selected to join the 2024 University of North Carolina System Faculty Fellows. 

Nov 29, 2023

EdNC: Community College Leaders Dared to ‘Be Extraordinary’ at 2023 Dallas Herring Lecture

W. Dallas Herring Professor and Belk Center Executive Director Audrey Jaeger offers a response to the 2023 Dallas Herring Lecture. 

Oct 24, 2023

EdNC: A Case For Community College Transfer: How Do We Transform Transfer?

In the third installment of a series examining community college transfer, W. Dallas Herring Professor and Belk Center Executive Director Audrey Jaeger examines how transfer can be improved. 

Sep 28, 2023

EdNC: A Case for Community College Transfer: A Strategy to Remain First in the Nation in Talent and Opportunity

W. Dallas Herring Professor and Belk Center Executive Director Audrey Jaeger discusses transfer’s potential as an economic development strategy, the challenges and barriers standing in the way, and actionable strategies. 

Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research wordmark

Feb 16, 2023

Inside Higher Ed: Introducing Teaching and Learning Hubs

Achieving the Dream President and CEO Karen A. Stout and W. Dallas Herring Professor and Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research Executive Director Audrey J. Jaeger describe a new model that leverages faculty professional development to improve student outcomes at community colleges. 

W. Dallas Herring Professor Audrey J. Jaeger with Pitt Community College President Lawrence Rouse

Aug 25, 2022

Trailblazer Profiles from Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research Share Stories of North Carolina Community College Leaders of Color

Twelve Black, Latin*, Asian and Indigenous leaders in the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) have had the opportunity to share their personal and career stories over the past several months as part of the Trailblazer Profiles project.  

Mike Flores will deliver the 2022 Dallas Herring Lecture

Jul 25, 2022

Alamo Colleges District Chancellor to Deliver 2022 Dallas Herring Lecture

NC State’s College of Education and Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research are pleased to announce that Mike Flores, chancellor of the Alamo Colleges District, will deliver the 2022 Dallas Herring Lecture. 

Jun 1, 2022

My Student Experience: Community College Leadership Doctoral Students Connect with Current Presidents During Association of Community College Trustees Legislative Seminar

Doctoral students in the NC State College of Education’s Community College Leadership program recently had an opportunity to connect with experts in their field and develop their talents through participation in the North Carolina Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Legislative Seminar.