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Assistant Professor Robin Anderson discusses using social media for teacher professional development.

Nov 29, 2022

How Can Teachers Use Social Media for Professional Development? ‘When Teachers Network Together, They’re in a Collaborative Structure Where Their Expertise is Valued’ Says Assistant Professor Robin Anderson

When discussing professional development for teachers, thoughts often turn to formal sessions, but many educators are drawn to places where they can learn independently, which is why many turn to social media, says Assistant Professor Robin Anderson. 

Maria Coady discusses multilingual education in rural schools

Oct 20, 2022

How Can Educators Help Linguistically Diverse Students in Rural Schools? ‘We Need to Think About the Expectations That We Have For Our Students’ Says Goodnight Distinguished Professor in Educational Equity Maria Coady

No matter where an educator teaches, they are likely to encounter students who are multilingual, but not all educators are equipped with the skills or tools needed to adequately meet the needs of these students. This is particularly true, said Goodnight Distinguished Professor in Educational Equity Maria Coady, in rural areas where resources may be limited. 

Assistant Professor Lam Pham

Sep 22, 2022

How Can You Turn Around Low-Performing Schools? ‘Investing in Teachers and Principals Gives Our School Improvement Efforts a Much Better Chance of Success,’ Says Assistant Professor Lam Pham

All across the United States, there are schools that are considered to be low performing, and Assistant Professor Lam Pham believes small interventions are not enough to improve student achievement. Instead, he said whole-school reform is required to turnaround chronically low-performing schools. 

Associate Professor Cesar Delgado talks about using virtual reality to teach size and scale in science classrooms

Aug 30, 2022

How Can Virtual Reality Better Help Students Understand Size and Scale in Science? ‘It’s a More Interactive, Embodied Way of Experiencing Objects,’ Says Associate Professor Cesar Delgado

As students begin to learn about concepts related to size and scale in science, there will always be objects that are too small for the eye to see or too large or far away to experience up close. In these instances, Associate Professor Cesar Delgado believes that virtual reality can close the gap in understanding. 

NC State College of Education Assistant Professor Shiyan Jiang discusses artificial intelligence

Jul 26, 2022

What is Artificial Intelligence? ‘The Process of Developing AI is Very Much About How We Humans Define What it Is,’ Says Assistant Professor Shiyan Jiang

Technology like artificial intelligence (AI) may seem mystifying to many, but Assistant Professor Shiyan Jiang believes that learning about the technology can help students develop important skills even if they don’t pursue a STEM profession. 

NC State College of Education Professor Marc Grimmett discusses how to provide mental health support for children

Jun 15, 2022

How Can I Support a Child Experiencing Mental Health Challenges? Professor Marc Grimmett Shares the Importance of Relationships, Listening and Seeking Professional Help from a Counselor

Over the past two years, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic made typical developmental challenges more difficult for K-12 students. As a result, Professor Marc Grimmett said youth may be experiencing more mental health issues. 

NC State College of Education Assistant Professor Erin Krupa

May 24, 2022

How Can Innovative Ways of Teaching Help Students Better Understand Math? ‘More Students Get Involved When They’re Asked to Be Central to the Learning Environment,’ Says Assistant Professor Erin Krupa

Shifting away from traditional ways of teaching mathematics and introducing innovative and unconventional curricula into the classroom can help students become more engaged and better able to learn to do math, says Assistant Professor Erin Krupa. 

NC State College of Education Associate Professor Dennis Davis discusses reading comprehension

Apr 28, 2022

How Can I Help My Students With Reading Comprehension? ‘The More We Can Integrate What We Call Reading Instruction with What We Call Content Area Instruction, the Better,’ Says Associate Professor Dennis Davis

Associate Professor Dennis Davis discusses intervention strategies to help students with reading comprehension difficulties as well as what he calls the two “secret weapons of reading comprehension.” 

NC State College of Education Professor Soonhye Park disucsses PCK

Mar 28, 2022

How Can Developing Strong Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Help Teachers Better Engage Their Students in Science Learning? ‘PCK Enables Teachers to Translate Their Content Knowledge into Forms That are More Accessible and Comprehensible to Students,’ Says Professor Soonhye Park

There are strong connections between students’ engagement and academic achievement in science and their ultimate career intentions in STEM fields. For this reason, Soonhye Park, a professor of science education in the NC State College of Education, believes engaging K-12 students in science activities is critical to both prepare scientifically literate students and produce a future STEM workforce. 

NC State College of Education Associate Professor Chad Hoggan discusses transformative learning

Feb 18, 2022

How Can Educators Support Students Through Transformative Learning Experiences? ‘The Difference Between Learning That Really Changes Us for the Better and Learning That Has Little Impact is Often Tied to the Extent to Which We Exercise That Learning,’ Says Associate Professor Chad Hoggan

Changes in a person’s life can lead to significant changes in the way a person thinks, feels and acts. These changes, says NC State College of Education Associate Professor Chad Hoggan, can yield vastly different outcomes, which makes it important for educators to understand how the processes they promote in their teaching influence people’s trajectories of change.