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5 Questions about the Beginning Teacher Institute with NC State Alumnus Harrison Do

Participants at the Beginning Teacher Institute 2015

Every year, first, second and third-year teachers flock to the College of Education for the Beginning Teacher Institute (BTI). The institute experience includes a three-day summer program, follow-up sessions during the school year and access an online community of new teachers.

Harrison Do graduated from NC State in 2011 with a degree in biological sciences. He then enrolled in the College of Education’s NC TEACH program and joined the faculty at Magellan Charter School in Raleigh as a sixth grade science teacher. Do attended BTI during summer 2015 and plans to attend again this summer, so we asked him to share his perspective on this unique program.

Why did you decide to apply for the Beginning Teacher Institute?

harrison do
Harrison Do

I applied for BTI because I wanted to meet with fellow beginning teachers and share ideas.

Tell us more about your experience at the institute. What kind of activities did you participate in? What was your favorite part?

I participated in a variety of workshops that focused on a wide range of topics. My favorite part was hearing stories from my fellow colleagues. There is so much great teaching going on across the state of North Carolina. Hearing about these innovative ideas inspires me to be a better educator.

How did the sessions at BTI assist you as a new teacher when you got back to the classroom?

The sessions reminded me that we are all going through very similar experiences as beginning teachers. It was encouraging to share our frustrations and success stories in such a supportive environment. I appreciated the sessions that focused on classroom management strategies and data collection tips.

What led you to apply to BTI again this year? What are you hoping to gain from this experience?

I applied again this year because I want to continue to learn about what new ideas that are being used in classrooms across the state. In addition, I hope to specifically focus my time on how I can do a better job at collecting data from my students and how I can use that data to guide my teaching.

What advice would you give to a beginning teacher considering applying to this year’s BTI?

I would say apply and attend! This is a wonderful opportunity to grow as an educator and meet some brilliant leaders in education.

This year’s BTI will be held July 12-14, and there are still spots available! Visit to apply before the June 30 deadline.