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PD 6746 – Language Variation in the Elementary Classroom

This asynchronous, online module introduces students to language variation and its role in the elementary classroom. Through videos, readings, and reflections, students will explore what language variation is, how it…

PD 639 – NC Agriculture Teachers Association fall inservice meetings

Participants will attend a fall NCATA regional in-service meeting to interact with agriculture teachers, learn about updates to the agricultural education curriculum, and participate in professional association business and activities.…

Virtual STEM Education Graduate Open House

STEM Education Graduate Open House for prospective masters and doctoral students. This will be conducted virtually via Zoom. Please contact Maya Stafford at for a link or additional information.

Virtual STEM Ed Graduate Open House

Join faculty members in the STEM Education department to learn more about our masters and doctoral programs. This open house will be held completely virtually on Zoom, find the link…

PD 6761 – Preparing for the Special Education edTPA

During this session, students will learn about the process and expectations for the edTPA performance assessment in the licensure area of Special Education, General Curriculum. We will discuss important distinctions…