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Weldon City Schools-North Carolina Learning Technology Initiative (NCLTI)

Project Team:

Sponsor: Weldon City Schools/Golden Leaf Foundation

Project Total: $45,516


These projects build on the work of the NC Learning Technology Initiative (NCLTI) and further develop and extend the impact for statewide replication.  An essential component of the NCLTI is a consistent professional development approach designed to a) provide educational leaders with the knowledge and resources necessary for planning and implementing successful technology-enabled learning programs; and b) provide teachers with a pedagogical framework, teaching strategies, web 2.0 tools and resources to enhance teaching and learning in the content areas. The NCLTI-PD approach is one that combines face-to-face and online activities, giving participants opportunities to experience educational use of technology to support their own learning, as well as an understanding of the core elements that are necessary for launching successful technology-enabled learning programs.